Chapter 23

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A/N- Here's a trailer I made for this book. Please watch it and enjoy! I hope you like it!

Chapter 23

I parked my bike in the school's parking lot next to a few cars. The place was isolated, the only people roaming around being either from the soccer team or the janitors. I hopped off my bike and took my helmet off, then walked inside the building mindlessly. I glanced at the time on my phone and noticed there were only two minutes left until 4 o'clock, yet I didn't fasten my pace. 

Once I reached the field, several pairs of eyes turned to me.

"Looks like the star finally showed up," Mr. Coach said sarcastically before turning to face me.

"Sorry, I tried to make it on time, but I couldn't find it in me," I said in mock sorrow and he rolled his eyes at me.

"You're only late by three minutes, so that's alright," he said, before turning to the rest of the team. "As some of you may know, Amelia is here to replace Gregory in the meantime. Now, I don't want you to treat her any differently just because she's a girl. Some of you are well aware of her skills and I wouldn't go easy on her if I were you. Now, if there are any problems that she might cause, I'll take care of that personally."

"How can we be sure of that?" one of the guys asked.

"I'll take her apart and deal with her myself if necessary," he said, and I raised an eyebrow at this.

"Damn, Mr. Coach. First you stalk me and get my phone number without my consent and now the sexual innuendos? Don't make me report you for pedophilia," I retorted, and some boys snickered.

"I'm not a pedophile, and, as far as I know, you're legal," he said, and the boys stared at him with their mouths hanging open.

"Are you flirting with me?" I asked in bewilderment, not quite believing my ears.

"No, I'm just following your lead," he said with a shrug of his shoulders and my eyebrows shot up in amusement. Looks like Mr. Coach here is full of surprises. "Now, get in place. The practice will begin in one minute!"

Everyone scattered around and made two different teams. A boy jogged towards each of us and handed us either a red or green team practice vest, and to my luck, I got the red one. I looked around at the members of the red team and noticed that Oscar and Raymond were in red as well. They noticed me, and one grinned and waved at me while the other glared daggers at me. It didn't take a genius to guess which of the two was glaring.

Mr. Coach blew his whistle, and the practice began. 

People ran around either in defense or offense, falling on their butts or kicking the ball. I swiftly stole the ball from the opponent team and kicked it toward the net, skillfully evading them.  One of my teammates screamed at me, showing me that he was free, and I eyed the rest of the players. Seeing that I had a free shot to the guy, I kicked the ball toward him in a successful pass. The guy kicked the ball toward the net, the goalie missing the ball by an inch. 

Mr. Coach stared at the game in front of him, noting things down. 

The game continued on like this, my team winning by nearly ten points. Once I made another goal, the whistle was heard, signaling the end of the game. My team screamed in victory, rushing toward me with huge grins on their faces. Some of them raised their hands to give me high fives, while others gave me a friendly pat on the back.

"Take a ten-minute break, drink some water, and rest," Mr. Coach ordered, and everyone scattered around. Someone handed me a towel and I gladly accepted it, wiping away the sweat on my face and neck. 

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