Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

The door to the training room barged open as Wesley stormed inside. His eyes instantly met mine in a judgmental way before he stomped over to me with an accusing finger. I watched in amusement as his face turned red once he reached me, staring me down. Raising an eyebrow, I waited for him to open his mouth and say whatever he wanted to.

"You said Friday, not Wednesday. Hand over the keys, Lily," he ordered, narrowing his eyes. 

I raised my arms in mock surrender and pointed to where they were thrown on the ground. He went to get them, then noticed Chase. I crossed my arms over my chest as I looked at him as well. 

"What did you do?"

"I was just practicing," I said innocently. 

He gave me a bored expression, clearly not believing my little lie. When his eyes met something that was behind Chase, he groaned, "Amelia, what did I tell you about knife throwing?" Wesley exclaimed after picking up the keys. He went to turn the speaker off and crossed his arms. "If you're going to teach him that, take it outside. I don't want any furniture damaged thanks to you."

"Sorry, Wes. I guess it kind of slipped," I said with an innocent smile and looked down at Chase. "Get up, nerd. There's no need for you to be over-dramatic."

Chase stared at me with an expression of pure terror before he scurried to a sitting position. I chuckled when I saw him patting down his body, searching for any kind of cut or wound. Once he made sure he was alright, his eyes shifted to the pocket knife stuck on a wooden target a few feet away from him. "You could've killed me!" he exclaimed, and I heard Wesley sigh beside me.

"I wasn't aiming at you, smart-ass." I chuckled. "Plus, I have no intention of killing you. Yet."

Chase opened and closed his mouth like a fish, stuttering over his own words as he tried to make a sentence. Wesley chuckled under his breath and walked over to the wooden target then grabbed the knife. Grabbing a towel, I patted my face dry of sweat before draping it over my shoulder. Wesley walked over to me and handed me back my pocket knife while I watched Chase walk toward the changing room, muttering things under his breath.

"Fun's over," Wesley said as I placed the knife inside my back pocket. His eyes narrowed in the slightest as he stared at me, as if he was analyzing something. I was starting to get a little creeped out, to be honest. He then went over to a mini fridge at the corner of the room and grabbed a water bottle. "Want one?"

"Yes, please," I said with a sigh. I stretched my arms over my head as I heard him approach from behind. Turning around in order to grab the bottle, I started muttering a "thank you" before I was cut short by the cold water splashing over my face. I closed my eyes in instinct and my mouth hung open as the water ran down my chin to my chest. A towel was thrown on my face and I felt a hand scrubbing rather harshly, making me grit my teeth and push it away. 

"What the hell, Wesley?"

"Who was it?" he demanded. I was dumbfounded by his question, still confused if he was joking or not. "Don't make me use your second name, Amelia. Who did you fight?"

"What are you talk–?"

"You have bruises all over your jaw, Lily. Plus, you don't wear that foundation thingy unless you're covering up your bruises," Wesley said, and that was when it hit me. 

Right, the bruises, I totally forgot about them. I covered them up before heading over to the school since they got darker overnight.

"It's nothing, honestly. They're the ones I got after I fought with Gregory two days ago," I brushed it off. Grabbing the towel from his hands, I turned around and started walking to the lockers. Wesley's hand tugged my shirt up and I smacked it away before glaring at him. 

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