Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Leave the boy alone!" I warned harshly, stepping in between Gregory and the victim. Taking a quick glance over my shoulder, I managed to catch the boy's eyes momentarily. His chocolate brown eyes were wide with shock as he held a book tightly against his chest, face flushed and hair slightly tousled. When I turned my gaze back to Gregory, I could see some pair of glasses thrown on the floor from my peripheral view. They must be from the boy. He pretty much looks like a nerd to me.

"If it isn't the school's prankster," the nightmare in front of me mused. "Missed me after all this time already?"

"As if." I let out a scoff.

"Come on, Amy. We both know that you still haven't forgotten our moments together." He winked at me, lips tugging up in an arrogant smirk.

I rolled my eyes in irritation, crossing my arms over my chest. How can a person be so narcissistic without someone punching the daylights out of them? I still wondered how in heaven's name I got to date this guy. Also, did he seriously need to remind me of my mistakes? As if I haven't suffered enough already.

"Drop the nickname, it seriously doesn't fit me," I grumbled. "And whatever business you had with this boy is over. So scurry off and leave him alone."

"Now, why would I do that? Stay out of it, Clark," he spat. He pushed me out of the way in a swift movement. I lost my balance for a moment, shooting a nasty glare his way.

The boy was pushed back against the wall, his head lowering to avoid Gregory's gaze. This made him smirk, tossing the book the boy was holding to the ground. When the boy crouched down to grab it, Gregory only kicked it farther away.

I couldn't watch any more of this stupid taunting. So, I threw my bag to the ground carelessly and stepped forward once more.

Just when Gregory was about to make another move against the poor boy, I lifted my right foot off the ground and kicked the back of his knees. His eyes went wide with surprise as he lost his balance and stumbled to the ground. His head snapped up to give me a deadly glare and opened his mouth to—probably—shout hateful words in my direction.

Unfortunately for him, no words could leave him since I struck him on the side with the toe cap of my converse. A groan left his mouth as a hand clutched his side and he fell sideways. I went to kick him once again, but he used his free hand to stop the impact and pulled on my foot. The foot supporting me slipped and made me fall back, landing harshly on my bum. I winced as I felt the sharp pain on my bottom and watched as he got to his feet, and I did the same right after.

We both stood in our fighting positions, his blue eyes narrowing in irritation and hatred. I glared right back at him and sent a fist straight to his jaw, failing my attempt to hit him as he blocked my punch. His fist came in my field of vision and I ducked my head to avoid being punched in the nose. I brought my knee up and successfully kneed him on his stomach, earning a satisfying wheeze. He doubled over slightly, and I took this opportunity to punch him in the nose, smirking when I felt something crack underneath my knuckles.

Whilst enjoying my victory, I didn't notice his fist making its way towards my jaw. I tried to dodge, but, unfortunately, I wasn't fast enough as it connected with my mouth. The metallic taste of blood invaded my tongue and I licked my lower lip, which was certainly busted open. Furious, I tackled him to the ground and sat on his stomach, throwing punch after punch to his face.

"Somebody, stop them!" a teacher yelled from the background, and that was when I noticed the growing crowd circling us.

Gregory managed to push me off him and switched positions, him sitting on my abdomen and striking me in the nose. I hissed at the pain and struggled underneath him to find an opening. Once it came, I kneed him where the sun didn't shine and pushed him off me. He laid there on the floor with his hands covering his lower region and face contorted in pain as I stood up from the ground.

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