Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The sound of stomping footsteps making their way up the stairs to my room made a slight smirk adorn my face. I could practically see the smoke coming out of my mother's ears and nose before she even pushed my door open. I just fiddled with a loose strand of my hair while my head hung upside down by the edge of the bed. My mother's small frame loomed over the door frame, her arms crossed as her work shoes tapped rhythmically against the floor.

"Amelia Elizabeth Clark," she began in a low, dangerous tone. "Care to explain why Mr. Morris called to inform me of your suspension?"

"There's not really much to say," I said nonchalantly. "Principal dearest was supposed to give you the details, anyways."

"Don't test my patience, Amelia," she warned, her brown eyes shooting daggers at me.

"Relax, mother." I rolled my eyes and sat up once I felt the blood pressure rush to my head. "Apart from pulling a prank on a teacher, I—"


"I helped a boy that was being bullied." I shot her an annoyed look for interrupting me. Her brows knitted together in confusion as she opened her mouth, but no words came out. I only scoffed at her reaction, letting out a small chuckle. "There was a boy that was being tormented by Gregory. Since he wouldn't leave him alone, I stepped in and beat the crap out of him."

She eyed me warily after I finished explaining. Her arms slowly went back down to her side as she straightened her pencil skirt and ran a hand over her dirty blonde hair. After a few seconds, she heaved a sigh and shook her head. "If that is the case then I guess I won't punish you. Now, if I find out that you're lying—"

"I promise that I'm not," I said while throwing my arms up in mock surrender. She just glared at me one last time before walking away. I did a small victory dance inside my head and smiled in disbelief. If I knew that I wouldn't be punished for kicking some butt, I would've done it a long time ago.

I fetched my phone from my bed and texted my two best friends, glancing at the time. Noticing that I still had plenty of it, I grabbed my keys and jogged down the stairs, passing my stepfather on the way. He raised an arm to try and stop me, but I easily dodged it and kept making my way to the garage. I ignored his failing attempts to get me to tell him where I was heading out and got on my ride. Apparently, men never got any hints thrown their way.

The chilly evening air blew against me as I drove my way to a familiar spot. As I neared it, I could see Danielle's car already parked at the curb. The couple was leaning against the car when they spotted me, waving me over with a plastic bag in Kenneth's hand. I killed the engine once I parked my motorcycle behind the car and took my helmet off, smiling at them.

"Well look who's here," Danielle smirked. "The infamous prankster who got away with egging a teacher and beating her ex-boyfriend."

"It is a wonder how your mother let you get away with this. I thought you would've been locked up inside your own bedroom by now." Kenneth chuckled.

"Beating the crap out of someone for a good reason really has its perks." I winked at them and grabbed the bag from Kenneth's grip. They followed me as I went through the hole on the fence and into the abandoned park, the place I came to when I felt like celebrating something. The grass was overgrown and there was a rusty slide next to a set of old swings. We walked along the flattened-out path we've made over the grass that led to a small hill. Our feet carried us to the top, where we sat down and looked around.

I remembered the moment we found this place. It was Danielle's fourteenth birthday and we were riding our bicycles around her neighborhood until we decided to go off track. I was the first one to spot the secluded place, and I—being my curious self—decided to explore it. This meant that we had to climb over the fence to get inside, which ended with Danielle falling face-first to the floor and going to the emergency room to get some stitches. She still had the scar on her forehead to remind her of that day for the rest of her life.

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