Dante and Yn

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11:02 pm.
Me and my dad stopped outside a abandoned church, my dad parked his bike while i switch Cavaliere with d'Rebellion.

"A church? I thought we supposed to slay some demon, not a priest...?" I rested d'Rebellion on my shoulder.

"Who said that? No... We're not going to kill a demon," dad summoning his devil sword, "But them...!".

I stared at the church and saw a group of winged person, Fallen angel, they all walked out of the church with their spear ready.

"So many of them..." I said, get on my position.

"Ya' scared?" Dad mocking.

"As if!!!".

One of the Fallen angel then yelled, "What are you doing in our territory?! The likes of you are not worthy to set foot here!" He declared.

"Flock off, feather face!!!" I yelled, making my dad chuckled, "Why don't ya' fly over here and let us cutted that wing of yours?".

"Nice one kid," dad patted my head.

"I learn from the best!" I smirk, "Let's fight! Cuz' I'm ready as hell!!!".

XxHit The Music!xX

"ATTACK!!!" The Fallen angel start to flew toward the Sparda's.

Yn and Dante went into different way, Yn right and Dante left. Yn slash a Fallen angel then step on him and perform a vertical spin in the air, managed to hit a few fallen angel. He land on the ground, Yn blocked a attack from a fallen angel, he does backflip and then delivered a STINGER at the fallen angel, "HEYYAA!!!" He killed that fallen and then continued to attack the other. He throw d'Rebellion and pierce through a fallen body, instantly killing him. He switch to Gilgamesh, Yn grab a fallen and then RIPPED her wing, he throw her in the air as he does uppercut using Gilgamesh turbo.

"Sweet dream~!" Yn equipped Cavaliere, he perform a twister drive in the air, cutting a massive amount of fallen. Once he land, he split Cavaliere into two and then start to attacking the fallen on the ground.

Dante, he STINGER a Fallen, cutted him into two. A group surrounded him, Dante just smirk before he switch to [Balrog], his gauntlet and steel boots. Dante get on his Capoeira mode and start to kicking the Fallen, he equipped [King Cerberus], Dante perform a REVOLVER move and continued with MILLION CARATS, "Chew on this!!!" The ice spike appear from the ground and stabbing so many Fallen.

A Fallen charged at Dante, he step on him and then gave the Fallen a delicious RAINSTORM. Dante switch to his Devil sword, he summoning a barrage of [Summoned Sword] and launched them at the Fallen. Dante perform a DANCE MACABRE at a group of Fallen, once he done he jump and then throw a ROSE at them as it EXPLODED like a bomb.

"Sweet~" Dante crack his neck, "How's you doing back there, Yn?".

"It's done... Let's finished this, dad!" Yn put d'Rebellion on his back, he pulled out Dan and Verg and twirled it.

Dante joined him, "Alright, let's end it with a blast!" He pulled out Ebony and Ivory.

Both father and son goes back to back, one last remaining Fallen stood beside them, bloodied and dying. Yn aiming Verg at him while Dante aiming Ivory.

"That sword... That power... You are the Sparda's legacy...!" The Fallen claimed while fear filled his soul.

"Remember what we used to say...?" Dante said at his son, making Yn to grin smugly.

"Please--!" The Fallen begging for mercy.

Dante and Yn assembling Verg and Ivory, they're aiming and say...

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