Somebody Call A DOCTOR?

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The man from the van then slid on the ground, he pulled out a big sword and then start to spinning like a chainsaw, cutting the demon horde. He stood up, he jump and land on a demon body, he jabbed his sword and TWIST THE GAS on his sword handle, once he twisted it the demon move like a motorcycle.

The man hit every demon in his way, he jump off the demon and killed it, "Huh, who brought the marshmellow? Cuz' I'm bringin the FIRE," the man stabbed his sword to the ground and twist the gas.

Meanwhile with Yn and Fubuki, both of them was stunned by the sudden appearance of their two savior, well especially Fubuki, since Yn already know them. The van then drive near Yn, the driver then throw something.

"Yn catch!" She said.

Yn then catch the thing, he stared at it and smirked, "Thank you, [Nico]!".

Yn then catch the thing, he stared at it and smirked, "Thank you, [Nico]!"

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Buster Arm

Yn wear the Buster Arm on his right hand, he ran at the demon ahead him, Yn raised his hand as the Buster Arm claw grew wider and bigger, "HEEYYA!!!" Yn smashed the demon to the ground, instantly killing them. And with that he join the battle.

Back to the mysterious man, the demon swarmed him, not letting him escape. The man just smirked, he raised his middle finger in the air and shouted, "FUCK YOU!!!" The same energy like Yn's DT explode from his body, the man now was replaced by another creature...

 The man just smirked, he raised his middle finger in the air and shouted, "FUCK YOU!!!" The same energy like Yn's DT explode from his body, the man now was replaced by another creature

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He sprouted his wing and start to killing demon again, more stronger and dangerous, the sword that he hold now glowing blue and getting more sharp with his energy.

"Take me seriously now?" The man said, he raised his fist, a big shadowy fist appear as he crush his enemy.

Fubuki shook her head, she then join the massacre. Fubuki flew in the air, gathering her energy, a gust of wind then slowly became a tornado, bigger and bigger until it reach maximal size. Fubuki was using her special move, [Hell Storm].

The mysterious man with his DT, Yn with his Buster Arm, the driver or [Nico] with her van, and Fubuki with her Hell Storm. The demons are totally fucked now.

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