Chill Like A Sparda

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Morning at Sparda's Residence. Dante sitting on his desk just awake from his sleep, holding a cup of coffee with a blank look on his face, staring at the door. Morrigan then came from the kitchen wearing a apron, sitting on Dante's desk.

"Hun, you're a mess~" said Morrigan.

"... Babe, I'm not having enough sleep..." Dante sighed, "What's for breakfast...?".

"Food," Morrigan smirked.

"Funny. Yn's awake yet?".

"No, let him sleep, he and Nero been a good hero yesterday. *Sigh*... I always proud of him...".

"Me too, baby. Me too..." Dante nod.

"We're having a perfect son!" Morrigan hugged Dante's head, "Eww get a shower! You're stink like blood!".


"Dante..." Vergil walked downstair, "Have you seen my book?".

"V's have it, and he was gone shopping." Said Dante, "What's up with you, bro? You're not usually wake this morning.".

"It's my first day, Dante...".

"Oh... Yeah, haha." Dante then sniffing, "I smelled something burned...!".

Morrigan's eye widened, "THE CHICKEN!!!" She run to the kitchen.

//Mini timeskip by Vergil picking a perfect clothes for his first day//

The door bell was ringed, "Coming~" Morrigan opened the door, there she saw Mordred and Jalter in their uniform, smiling at her, "Ahh! You are Yn's friend, right~?".

"Yes, Mrs. Sparda, my name is Jalter..." She bowed.

"And I'm Mordred, Mrs...".

"Please, hehe... Call me, aunt Morrigan~ come in! let's have a breakfast together!" Morrigan drag Jalter and Mordred in, "You guys here to meet Yn, right?".

"Yes, Mrs--i mean, Aunt Morrigan..."

Mordred and Jalter then join the Sparda family on the the table, everyone's greet them nicely, especially Dante.

"Yn is still upstair, changing. Want to have some drink?" Dante holding a orange juice box.

"Yes please--".


Suddenly, Yn and Nero fall from the stair, both of them then take a step back, Nero holding his DB Overture, while Yn holding his brand new DB that Nico made him last time.

"Give that to me." Nero said.

Yn hide his DB behind him, "No way, you got your own...!".

"Well i want yours too." Nero pointing his index finger.

"What you gonna do with all that Devil Breaker, huh? No matter how hard you try, you never gonna be like THANOS!" Yn taunted.

"YOU'RE WASTING TIME!!!" Nero pounced at Yn, both of them then start to hit each other like a kid, "TAKE THAT! HA! HA! HA!".


Everyone's in the dining room deadpanned at both of them, while Mordred recording with her phone. Dante approaching the two fighting kitten and separate them from each other.

"Okay, what now?".

"Nero want to take my Devil Breaker!!!" Yn cried.

"Devil Breaker was made for me, Yn!!! So that is mine!!!" Nero cried louder, "Beside, that one is sooo cool!!!".

YOUR LEGACY: Vol.1 (Male Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt