Chapter 9

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"Katniss?" I say my voice cracking. She just stares at me for a moment then replies "Yes."

I look over at Leisel who's blindfold has already been taken off and reunited with her book. I've never seen anyone so happy over a book in my entire life. I guess she meant it when she aid she loved to read.

"What's going on? Why haven't you killed us?" I say loud enough for all of them to hear.

I look at all of them and notice all of the faces. I easily recognize Hazel. I can still see the tear streaks on her cheeks from when Augustus said goodbye to her. Then there is Bella and Edward who makes my eyes nearly pop out of my skull just by looking at their prominent yet stunning features. I also find Peeta off to the side watching Katniss as she deals with the situation at hand. The tributes I don't see are Augustus and Rudy. My heart suddenly drops at the realisation that Leisel may not see Rudy again and Hazel may not see Augustus again.

"It was all an act." She says finally.

I stiffen a little at the word 'act'. I know exactly what it means to her,but I ask the question anyway.

"What do you mean act? I already know this is a game,but.....what exactly do you mean and why are all of the tributes together?"

Katniss reaches for the ropes binding my hands and feet and unties them carefully with swift and quick movements. The knots looked difficult to untie maybe even impossible ,but according to how I see it, she is skilled at knots.

"It as a distraction," she says as she stands up,"Everyone is going to be watching you,Alexandra,because you aren't a fandom. Your the target so they watch you more than anyone else. When something is happening to you, the cameras focus on you and only you."

"Distraction." I say putting the pieces together,"You're going to start the Second Rebellion."

I smile a genuine smile and just think about a world without the Capitol and its games. They've had their time....and its almost up. I almost laugh at the happiness that fills me.

"Yes." She says width a slight smile herself,but it doesn't meet her eyes. I know what she's thinking. It will be a relief if we overcome the Capitol,and rid this country of the games entirely but there sill also be consequences. There'll be pain and suffering,but worst of all,there'll be dead.

I stand up and look over at Leisel who is smiling sheepishly at the other tributes. When she finally spots Bella,she runs into her already open arms,and begins to cry into her shirt. It breaks my heart to see someone so small and fragile to break in this way.

"What now?" What are we waiting for?" I say to Katniss who now stands next to Peeta holding his hand.

"Bella and Edward just finished up destroying the cameras so the gamemakers will have huge complications finding us and killing us." She says looking over at them then back to me. "Right now we are waiting on a couple of friends of mine."

"Is Haymich one of them?" I say taking a step forward. I don't want anything bad to happen to him. So what if he's an old drunk at times,he's still my friend.

"Haymich? How do you know about him?"

"He's my mentor."

She just stands there with her eyes wide but they soon go back to normal.

"I don't know. I told Beetee that Haymich was to be top priority no matter what." She says with sadness in her voice.

I look down at the ground and think of all the times I fought with Haymich these past few days. I regret it entirely. Now I may never see him again.

"Won't they come in the arena and kill us themselves.?" I say.

"Beetee placed a powerful virus in their computers that was able to shut down everything. By the time they get here,we'll be gone."

I take a deep breath and glance over at Leisel who is still crying into Bella 's shirt. I can barely hear the soothing words that seem to be making her feel better,but I know that she's in pain.

"What about that boy,Rudy?" I ask Katniss.

"We made him hide up in a tree until we found you two. He should be here soon."

"Rudy?!?" I hear Leisel say jerking her head in our direction.

Katniss nods and looks over at something in the trees. I look over in that direction and immediately see the blond hair that always reminded me of lemons.

"Rudy!!!" I hear Leisel scream. She rushes toward Rudy and flings her small,fragile arms around him and hugs him as tight as she can.

"Leisel?" he says with with a wide smile,hugging her back.

I smirk at this little introduction. It's funny that after going through a terrible moment of grief and loss,you can find happiness somewhere amongst it.

I swiftly look up to the sky when I hear a loud cracking sound that echoes through out the entire arena. I look over at Katniss who motions for us to follow her and we do. We swiftly run between the trees and feeling a light wind hit my face as we run. For once in my life,I feel free. Free from pain,free from sorrow,and free from death,even though,most likely, I'm just running to it as for the rest of us.

"Where are we going?" I shout to whoever will answer.

"The cornucopia." I hear Tris say.

I look over at Her as we continue to run at full speed toward the cornucopia. Her long,golden,blond hair flies behind her and although she has a small frame,she's fast.

I nearly ram into Hazel when we reach the cornucopia. The sun beats down on us,and the humidity feels like it's consuming my slightly chilled skin. The golden horn in the center of the arena reflects the suns rays in all directions making it shine like the sun.

I hear the cracking sound again. I look up at the sky as it does and lay my eyes on the spot in which it's coming from. I suddenly realize what's going on. The impossibility of it was great but now that they have the gamemakers control room under their command, I don't see a reason why they couldn't do this. There is only one reason why the sky seems to make these cracking sounds. They're going to destroy the arena.

The Girl in the Games (The Fandom Games)(THG,TBT,TFIOS,DIVERGENT,TWILIGHT.)Where stories live. Discover now