Chapter 53 - The culprit

Start from the beginning

I picked up.

I didn't even need to look at the caller ID - it was Hugh without a doubt, always worried about Michael.

"Mr Beaumont."

Sara's POV

I raised a brow as Michael seemed so much lighter all of a sudden and danced around the place. It had been three days since my parents had arrived here and he had gotten more relaxed around dad - come to think of it, dad always put a hand on his shoulder and talked with him about anything and everything.

Michael gave me a kiss on my cheek and went to his nephew and niece who were demanding more chocolate croissants.

Dad's head was red as he appeared in the kitchen. "Dear child - 5 children!?"

I went red. "He told you?"

"Yes!", dad shook his head. "I mean, I'm glad I'll have that many grandchildren but what about you!?"

"It's not set in stone dad", I kissed his cheek and told him to sit down. "We might just have one, who knows?" I quickly stopped him from saying more. "What do you want for breakfast?"

"More information!", dad huffed. "So marriage in January?! When did you mean to tell us?"

I giggled excitedly, then shrugged. "Who knows?"

"When did you go that carefree?"

"It was a spontaneous decision and we are still letting it dawn on us, you know? I mean - he's thirty, soon thirty-one. And I'm not getting younger either."

"I understand and I know that you two are more experienced concerning marriage, but aren't you moving too quickly?"

"You know - I ask myself that often", I honestly told him. "Sometimes I think we should slow down, wait another year or so. But then I think - I was married before. I know what I hate. I know what I need. I know what I want. And he checks all the boxes required. Why should I wait then?"

We let it sit between us.

"Besides, you and mum got married after six months!"

"Times were different then!", dad protested. "I knew she was the right one and-", he stopped abruptly.

"He's the right one for me dad", I met my father's green eyes with a smile. "He can even stand my nervous antics, my motherly nature, my waterfall mouth. If he can be happy with that, than I won in life."

"You always think of yourself so lowly. You are lovely. Smart. Beautiful. He's lucky to have you."

"I know, I know. That's why I have him, he always reminds me of that."

"I saw", dad raised a brow and had this tone that I knew what he meant.

Dad was the new Marthe - walked in on us any time we kissed.

"That was quite a kiss."


"I swear I saw some-"


"Leave me daughter be", mum came in laughing, Estelle jumping after her.

"Tatie tatie!", Estelle trusted her doll into my legs. "Tatie do it!"

I took the doll from her little hands and she stretched her arms up to me. "Up! Up! Up!"

I picked her up too and Estelle leaned onto me.

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