" On me!" Arthur yelled

One of the women threw their staff and it headed straight for Aria who stood there frozen and wide-eyed

It would have hit her if Mordred hadn't of intercepted it getting hit himself.

" Mordred!" Aria cried in worry as he fell to the ground.

" Merlin!" Arthur called to his servant and Merlin rushed forward to help the others pick an unconscious Mordred up and get him out of the cave.

" Fall back!" Arthur ordered and everyone but Merlin scrambled to leave the cave.

One of the women threw another staff but Merlin stopped it with his magic. The women who threw the staff looked up to reveal her black eyes staring directly at Merlin.

Merlin quickly hurried after the others out of the cave.


Outside, Merlin rushed over to where Aria and Arthur were huddled around Mordred who was slipping in and out of conscious. Aria had tears running down her cheeks as she cradled Mordred's head in her lap and caressed his cheeks gently.

Merlin quickly examined Mordred's wound.

" How is he?" Arthur asked.

" It's not a simple wound. Sorcery's involved" Merlin replies still examining the wound.

" Is there anything you can do?" Arthur asked again.

Merlin paused. He remembered what the dragon told him. If he had another chance to kill Mordred he couldn't fail. Merlin looked at Aria who was sobbing. He then remembered the vision Aria sitting in her bed with a baby in her arms and everyone smiling happily around her.

" This is beyond my skills, Sire," Merlin muttered, " We need to get him back to Camelot."

" That's a long and arduous journey. What if he doesn't survive it?" Arthur whispered quietly to Merlin not wanting to upset his sister more.

" Look, I fear that Gaius is the only one that can save him," Merlin whispered back

Arthur nodded then looked back at the other knights" Mount up. We ride for Camelot" He ordered.


That night, Aria refused to leave Mordred's side as he lay unconscious on the ground. She had stopped crying but they were still dried tears stuck to her cheeks and her eyes were red and puffy.

Arthur had tried to coaks her into eating something but Aria wouldn't eat a single thing and Arthur was worried for his sister.

Merlin walked over and placed a hand on Mordred's forehead.

" He grows worse," Arthur muttered from where he sat beside Aria.

"...There had been little change" Merlin said staring sadly at the two siblings.

Merlin went to walk away.

" I should have never let him come" Arthur muttered

" He wanted to prove himself" Merlin replied.

" And he has. He saved Aria's life. " Arthur said staring sadly at the young knight.

Aria finally spoke up for the first time since the cave.

" It was my fault" She sobbed " He jumped in the way of the staff but it was meant for me. I should be the one like this not him."

Arthur pulled Aria into a gentle hug and let her sob into his shoulder as he quietly shushed her.

Merlin looked at them sadly. He was debating whether or not he should listen to the dragon if it saved Aria from this tortuous heartbreak.


Back in Camelot the next day, Mordred was imminently taken to Gaius' chambers where the old man was now currently examining him.  Arthur and Aria sat by Mordred's side watching worriedly. Merlin was sat by the window also watching.

" Merlin is right," Gaius told them gravely " this is no ordinary wound. There is magic at play"

" Can you save him?" Arthur asked taking his sister's hand comfortingly

" I'm but a physician. There are limits to my knowledge." Gaius replied

" But there must be something that can be done?" Aria questioned hopefully

" Perhaps. I shall do everything within my power, Sire, my lady." Gaius replied

Arthur stood up from his seat and placed a comforting hand on Aria's head and looked down at Mordred sadly.

" Let me know the moment he improves, or... " Arthur trailed off looking down at Aria concerned.

" I shall," Gaius said

Arthur then left, closing the door behind him. Gaius turned to look at Merlin then at Aria who was still sitting by Mordred's side.

" Aria, would you mind going to fetch me some fresh water from the well?" He asked her.

" Can't Merlin do it? I don't want to leave him" She replied quietly.

" I know, but I need Merlin here to help me " Gaius reasoned

Aria nodded slightly and stood up from her chair. " I won't be a moment," she said quirky and reached over to gently kiss Mordred's forehead before grabbing a bucket and left the room.

As soon as Aria left, Gaius turned to Merlin.

" Only your magic can save him, Merlin"

" I cannot save the life of a man destined to kill Arthur" Merlin replied stubbornly

" If Mordred is destined to take the king's life why has he saved it in the past?" Gaius questioned

" I cannot ignore what the dragon says" Merlin continued to refuse.

Gaius sits up straight and crosses his arms. " What happened to the young boy who came into my chambers just a few years ago?"

" He grew up. And he learned the meaning of duty" Merlin answered

" Merlin, if you let Mordred die, I fear what may become of Aria," Gaius said worriedly causing Merlin to sigh as he had already thought of this. " You know how much she cares for him and you saw the vision of their future together."

" But would she care about him if she knew what his destiny was?" Merlin asked

Gaius sighed " I think she would try and find a way where both he and Arthur survived. Like your vision"

" You cannot change destiny, Gaius. No matter how much you hope to. I don't even know how the vision I saw would even be possible."

Gaius gave Merlin a knowing look." ah but, one thing I've learned from watching Arianna grow up into the women she is today, is to never underestimate a girl with hope"

No one said anything else as Aria came bursting into the room with a bucket full of water. She placed the bucket on the table and was straight back to Mordred's side taking his hand gently in hers.

From across the room, Gaius gave Merlin a pointed look that Aria didn't catch.

Defying Destiny - A Merlin Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now