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After this chapter, i feel like a lot of you are going to ask yourselves what happened behind the scenes of this. You are going to be wondering about what happened in Thea's POV too. Maybe, i will explain, maybe not.

Have fun.


Just as that thought rushed into my mind, i jump up and hug Thea. She stumbles back a bit, but then laughs. I cry as she holds me. She begins to tell me about everything she did, and giving me details about what the outside was like, knowing i was curious.

She notices the two bags strapped to my back and asks "can i look inside the stuff strapped to you?" I nod.

As she opens the bag, i see a ton of equipment in one bag. I look at her confused. She nervously looks at me and then the equipment. She shrugs it off.

She puts the one bag aside and zips open the next. Inside, was tons of weapons. Ranging from machine guns to machetes. I widen my eye, and so does Thea.

Thea finds a small note at the bottom of the bag. Me, not knowing how to read, ignores the note. She reads the note out loud "if you are reading this, that means that you and Two made it out alive. The equipment is for a machine, something not many people are able to make or even think of, but i made it. Thea, you have to build the machine and....." Thea stops reading. I look over at her curious, but she just covers her mouth and tears fall from her eyes.

She looks at me, and explains with a strained voice "that....that idiot knew what was going to happen. He planned all of this, and he wants me...he wants me to.... I can't, im sorry i can't."


You hug her, and rub circles onto her back. She stops crying, and zips both bags up. You strap both bags onto you, and hand a gun to Thea, hoping she will explain it to you. She gets the memo, and shows you how to handle a gun.

At the end of the day, you and Thea find a road. Or what she says is a road. You feel flower petals start to weave into your hair, and The smiles at it. You both walk along the road, in a supposedly abandoned town.

You hear a shout from behind you, and freeze in your tracks. You look over to Thea, and she shares a scared gaze with you. You turn around, and see another person-like entity.

"Russia..." Thea sputters. 'Russia' whispers "Thea....." Immediately, Russia and Thea run up to eachother. They hug, and Thea starts crying, saying things like "i missed you,"

You smile, but then feel someone hold you up by the hood of your sweater. You thrash around, and Thea turns around. You look up to the person, and it's someone both Russia and Thea know very well.

Soviet Union or better known as USSR. You feel vines begin to grow all over your arms, reaching your neck. Once Soviet sees Thea, he puts you down and apologizes.

He cringes slightly at your right eye, and puts something over it. You nod, as a way of saying thanks, and he nods back. Thea and Russia run up to the both of you, and Thea introduces you to Russia and Soviet Union, not knowing of your knowledge of them already.

Soviet and Russia let the two of you in their house and you meet Belarus and Ukraine. Russia says he has other siblings but they aren't there.

You smile, and Thea explains to them that you can't speak. They look at you with pity, and nod. Russia asks Thea something, but you don't understand it. Thea agrees, and turns to you. "Tired?" She asks, half giggling. You nod, and Russia leads you to a spare room you can stay in.

Immediately, you fall onto the bed and pass out. Thea and Russia laugh a bit, and leave the room. All by yourself, you snuggle into the warmth of the covers.

You fall into a horrendous nightmare of your past.

~~Warning! Sensitive topics ahead!~~

Y/N giggled as her mother lifted her out of the car. The two year old babbled to her mother, who just chuckled in response. The woman and her husband stayed on both sides of the toddler as they walked towards the house.

Y/N snores, sound asleep until a loud crash awakes her. Crying, the girl steps out of her bed and walks to the door. Pushing open the door, light fills the room causing the toddler to rub her eyes.

She walks down the stairs, hearing multiple different sounds. She reaches the bottom of the stairs, and stares at what lays in front of her.

Both of her parents, horribly mangled. She begins to wail, seeing a man in a lab coat. In his hand was a rope attached to a hideous creature.

The man turns around, and sees the little girl. He smirks, and walks closer to the crying toddler. The child runs up the stairs, but the man is too quick for her.

He catches her, and to prevent Y/N from making any noise, he covers her mouth. He walks out of the back door, the child in one hand and the creature left in the house.

He chuckles a bit, staring at the trembling child.


You awake with a jolt. 'W-was that real?' You thing to yourself. You form your body into a ball and cry. 'Y/N...... Is that my name?'

"I guess i should tell Thea"

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