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May contain gore and torture, is you are sensitive to these things, do not read. You have been warned.


A project. That's what you are to him. At the age of two, you were stolen from your home and taken to a lab to be experimented on.

Failed tests occurred in the past leaving you without a voice and no right eye. Instead, you have a black void and a large claw-like scar where your eye should have been.

This man had made you a monster. He took away your voice. You can't talk, and have no ways of communicating. You sit in the dark test room, waiting for the next experiment.

You hear metal creak and look down to see water slowly filling up the room. It goes up to your ankles, then your calves, then your thighs, and soon you are floating. You hold your breath and push yourself to the bottom of the water, already loosing air.

Soon, the water drains and the man who was behind the one way glass walks out of the room. He speaks "well done, i have something coming up that is special, so try not to fight it,"

He says all that with a sickly sweet smile. You look at him with disgust. He smirks and goes back to the control room.

He comes back out with a syringe. He injects the glowing liquid into your neck and waits for something.

Soon, you can feel immense pain, a burning sensation in your head. You fall to the floor and hold your head in agony. Water starts to fill up the room, but your body doesn't budge.

The water fills up the entire room, not leaving an area for air, but you dont feel anything anymore. Confused, you wave your hand around. It's as if the pressure of the water doesn't affect you.

Not needing to breathe either, you suppose. You jump, curious of what it would do, and you float in the water. The room drains the water out, and you look at the door. It opens and the mad scientist walks out, impressed at what he created.

That night, you lay on the stiff bed that he had gotten you. You imagine leaving, being able to go to anywhere other than here. You don't even know what the outside looks like, or any color besides white, H/C, and the light blue used for your gown.

~~In the morning~~

You wake up naturally, which is rare for you. You slide out of bed and notice something on the bed. It is a top, with a hood and strings. It's in the same light blue color you are wearing.

There are pants next to it, a darker blue and a rough material. Under the top is a long sleeved white shirt. You quickly change into these colors and once in them, you notice a peculiar design on the top.

White puffs, almost like smoke. And a contrast of blue and a shade darker. You see socks and shoes on the floor next to the large metal door. You slip them on, noting them as converse from what it says in a weird color.

You are amazed by the color, completely different from what you normally see. Its a warmer color. The actual color of the shoes are black, a color you don't see often but are familiar with.

You walk out of the door that was left open, and see a hallway. You walk to your left, and see a few other doors. You walk by one but are startled when you hear a loud noise come from the inside of the room.

You see another person, in better shape than you. They widen their eyes upon seeing you, probably a mew experiment. You assume that there are more people but upon looking around, there isn't anybody else.

You hear the person shouting but is muffled and therefore not understandable. You stare with curiosity. They wear the same color you saw with the converse. A warm color but with a bit cooler backround. Yellow. They have a yellow shirt and the same kind of pants as you, but you can't look at them anymore because the scientist finds you.

The person in the room runs to a corner where you can't see and you wave at the scientist. He grabs your wrist and leads you to the testing room.

You walk into the room and see a large bag in the warm color. Red. You look at the scientist confused, but he explains "I'm sending you somewhere" your face lights up assuming he means outside, but you are far from the truth.

He places the bag over your shoulder without telling or showing you what is in it, and goes into the control room. Confused, you tilt your head.

You feel a weird magnetic feeling whizz around you and look around. The room spins, and a fire erupts from the control room. The glass from in there shatters and a few shards fly towards you. You dogde a few but one manages to get stuck in your leg.

The room spins faster and faster, the heat getting hotter and hotter, until you see a flash and cover your eyes. You feel yourself pass out and fall but before hitting the floor, you sense a change in the surroundings and know you are somewhere else.

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