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America's POV

Cautiously, i take a step back, holding both Florida and Texas behind me, everyone else too scared of the new...thing.

Her eyes flutter open and for a second i think i see fire in her eyes. She slowly props herself up and looks around. She sees the kids behind my back, and then looks up to me.

Her eyes widen, she stumbles a bit but stands up off the sofa. I turn around, pick up Florida and Texas, and I go bring them upstairs.

I put them down and grab my conveniently placed gun on the low shelf. Stupid of me to keep it low, yes i know. I walk back downstairs slowly, and notice the person gone.

I rush over to the phone and call Canada. After a few rings, he picks up.

"H-hello?" He says through the phone, a bit muffled. "Canada, you have to come here! Something happened." I tell him.

A bit of shuffling, and he responds in a panicked tone, "where are you right now?" I tell him the adress of the mansion, and he hangs up.

I turn around and see the intruder peeking over the edge of the hallway. She ducks behind the wall again, and i assume she runs away. I grip my gun in my hand and slowly walk over to the room, which is the kitchen.

"Hey, it's okay," i say, trying to lure her out. I see her peek over the edge again, and i get a full view of her lost eye, the one with the scar. I cringe for a second, and slowly step forward. 

~~My POV~~

You stumble backwards, and look around your surroundings for any means of escape. You see multiple open windows, and a back door. Taking your chances, you pull out a weapon from your vest.

A gun. You don't know how to use it, but you just guess. You feel fear consume your body. Looking at your arms, you can see prickly vines begin to tangle themselves on your arms and hands, making you drop the gun.

America hears the hun clatter to the floor along with glass breaking and runs over into the kitchen to see a pistol abandoned on the floor, and a window open, the wind blowing yellow flower petals in the air. 'flowers haven't even started blooming though' America thought in confusion.

You run through the trees, your long hair flowing behind you. It's a pretty nice day outside, and you are overheating. You still feel the vines grow along your arms under your sleeves, thorns pricking your skin causing blood to show.

Slowing down once you find a weird formation in the ground, you take your time to admire the beauty all around you. A new color spread everywhere. Green.

You look around, water rushes along rocks in a stream, and you can't cross. You walk along the edge of the stream, admiring the plant life and the sparkle of the water. You look up and start to cry. It's beautiful. You hope that....wait.

Thea. All this time you completely forgot about her. You look around, for some reason expecting her to show up, but you can only guess she died in the explosion.

You fall to your knees. You feel horrible for forgetting her, and you feel the vines dissipate, a burning coldness replacing them. You cry to yourself, not caring if you're found.

Your tears creating ice on your face, the rushing water halting to a stop. You feel an indescribable cold aura surround you, and you look up.

The water that was once rushing in the stream was now suspended in the air by nothing except your own depressed state. You see it crystallize and freeze. Like spikes reaching out to you, that is the form in which the water froze. You stumble back, afraid that the water might actually crush you.

You feel as though time freezes, you look around, seeing multiple leaves and droplets of water levitating. You quickly stand up, and try to run but you feel yourself being pulled into the spiked ice. You look around, the world spins and you feel dizzy. You stumble, and fall. You cover your ears as a piercing noise rings throughout the trees.

You barely open your eye just in time to see a blinding light. A rip like form breaks into the ice, and tears open. You shield your eye until you hear a familiar voice.

"Two? Is that you?!"

You put your arm down, tears streaking your numb face. You pick yourself up and look at the newly created portal. There she stands, the one person you missed.


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