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No one's pov.
"Y/n wake up please?" Izuku sobs while holding the girl in his arms. It was a pretty bloody boom. The male who claimed to be Y/n's dad is dead and they aren't quiet sure about y/n.

"I think sh-" "No! The last time I thought she was dead she came back!!" Izuku yells as more tears fall from his eyes. "...she's missing an arm" Marcie says only for her to get snapped at again by Izuku. "It will grow back." "Should I call a ambulance?" Shoto asks and Izuku nods.

"This is your fault!" Izuku yells whipping his head towards Nora. "If you weren't obsessed with me you wouldn't habe done this! But look at the damage you did! What you three did. You two will pay for this" Izuku growls glaring at the two girls. Nora laughed and covered her mouth "all I ever wanted! Her dead and Deku" she says smiling.

"Does she have a heart beat?" Shoto asks pausing from the call. Izuku places his middle and index finger to the girls neck. It took a few seconds but.. He felt a small beat. "Yes!" Izuku yells and Shoto continues the call. "They'll be here soon" Shoto says and befoee the two girls could flee Shoto freezes them in place.

"Wake up. Y/n. Please wake up."

"Wake up please y/n.."





~at the hospital~

"Please tell me she'll wake up" Izuku says to the doctor. "Well not.. Now but hopefully soon. She's in a coma sir and so far we say she may wake in a week" the doctor says. "We can contact you if anything goes wrong." The doctor says and Izuku nods. Izuku turned and tipped his baseball hat down to avoid people.

Izuku couldn't help but feel empty. The thought of possibly losing her made him twitch. He didn't want to think this but the thought always found a way to creep into his thoughts. He tighten his grip onto the hoodie he was wearing. The one y/n got for him..

When he stepped out of the hospital he saw all of y/n's friends arrive. "Deku! What happened?!" Katsuki yelled as he grabbed Izuku by the shoulders. "She's in a coma, they won't let you visit her. You'd have to come back tomorrow" Izuku says in a small voice so he couldn't hear him breaking down. "I asked what happened!!" Katsuki yells shaking him a bit.

"Katsuki-" "No! Shut up!!" Katsuki yelled at Kirishima. "Dude I think your overreacting-" "I'm not over-fucking-reacting Pikachu!!" Katsuki snaps. "My name is Kaminari" The male mumbles to himself. "Bakugou please." Shoto says and Katsuki glares at him. This became a little too much for Izuku. He had go leave..

"I-I gotta go!" Izuku yells slapping Katsuki's hands away so he can walk away. "Dammit" Katsuki growls. "Its ok! We'll come back tomorrow!" Ochako says putting a hand on his shoulder. The male scoffed and moved his shoulder forcing her hand away. Katsuki to was starting to break. Todoroki managed to hide the fact that he was breaking.

Izuku had to leave because he was breaking.

(Everyone's broke just like me with my bank account ;-;)


(This song kinda reminds me of this you dont have to listen to it)




Everything seemed useless to him. Without her what was the point? No one to wake up to. No one to compliment for every little thing she did. No one to care for everyday when she'd be hungry.


It has been a week since the attack. She hasn't woken up since. The only good news from the hospital was that her arm is back brand new.

She's going to wake up. Izuku thought as he just finished off another bottle of soda then tossing it aside. She's going to wake up and come back to me. He thought as he opened a bag of chips taking a bite of one. She's going to come back so we can live together like we should.. He thought staring at his phone waiting for a call from the doctor.

"And I can love you once again"


Man I keep publishing chapters!
I just can't wait to see your reactions though..

Ok. This will be the last chapter this day. Then I'll publish more tomorrow >:3

I got hit with the feels man. But strangely I'm not crying. Maybe I should try to make it more sad next chapter.. Hmm.

But yeah. We still don't know if y/n will die or not.



Welp I better eat before I starve.


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