"What happened after the Nine-Tails was defeated?" young Yuma asked, wanting to learn more of the story, to know more of the circumstances after his parents demise.

"The fourth hokage sealed the beast in a young child, as we speak that very same child lives in this village, she's around the same age as you I'd suppose." The old man responded, looking at the child with a sad gaze.

"...What's her name?"

The old man looked down at Yuma, who had his head down, his bangs covering his eyes, making the young boy's expression hard to read.

"...Naruko Namikaze, daughter of the fourth hokage, Minato Namikaze." The old man answered, a cold look donning his face.

"...Thanks for telling me this mister, may I ask your name?" said Yuma still looking at the ground beneath him.

"Of course, it's Danzo. Danzo Shimura."

Danzo looked on as Yuma left down the street, as after thanking him for his time, he went off to meet the hokage, his good spirits now shattered.

"...I hope you didn't mind me letting our young Yuma know of the truth you kept hidden from him, Minato, please don't think too poorly of me, but this young child is one to keep an eye on." with those last words and a cold calculative look now settled on his face, The Shinobi no Yami descended into ROOT, once more.


Yuma awoke to loud banging on his door, putting a scowl on his face. As he rolled out of bed, he looked up and noticed he had slept in late, already 30 minutes past the alarm. Grunting in annoyance, he put on some clothes before walking to the door, checking who it was that was loudly banging on his door.

"Yuma, your late, how could you sleep in, this is our teams first mission day!" Naruko yelled obnoxiously to the grumpy Yuma who had opened his door. He looked at her with a sleepy expression on his face, annoyed at her presence.

"How did you find out where I lived, and could you be any more louder?"

Naruko gave him a mischievous grin, puffing out her chest in a bragging way.

"My father is the hokage you know, all I had to do was ask and he gave me the answer right away". Naruko stated with pride oozing out of every word she said.

Yuma gave her an unimpressed gaze and rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed at her.

"Give me ten minutes, I need to brush my teeth and grab my gear."

Naruko nodded her head, and let him go back inside, but not before getting the last word in.

"Yeah, Yeah, go right ahead, its not like your late or anything."

After joking with Yuma, and waiting for him to get ready, they headed off to the hokage tower.


"Nice of you to finally join us Yuma, what held you up, something important I hope?" Kakashi said, being the first to greet him as Yuma and Naruko walked into the missions office.

"That's rich coming from you, sensei" Yuma said mockingly, still tired and annoyed.

Kakashi merely gave Yuma an eye smile, taking notice of his sleepy state. Sasuke turned to Yuma giving him a cocky smile.

"Hello there Kakashi number two, but seriously what kept you dead last."

Yuma gave Sasuke a scowl before grumbling underneath his breath. Annoyed at everyone who was bugging, he finally decided to speak up after a couple seconds of sorting out his sleep-deprived thoughts.

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