8- He is a damn spy

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"True love does not accept your demons they love you even more for them"

-Bridgit Devoue


"Well, I guess being nineteen, it means in the social context that I've been to a lot of parties, but the truth is, I didn't go to any. Not in high school, not even now, in college. Never. Well, my friends (both places) begged me to go but I always said no, I always told them that I had better things to do, these things were to stay at home closed in the room studying,  listening Jazz music at the same time to unite both things in one.

That's why I missed my reaction to Charles invite to this party, was it really my first party and it was normal for me to be calm? I think so, at least at the moment he asked me I was calm, I took the idea in a good mood. But now that I'm in my bed (in my beautiful wonderful cabin) I realize I'm very anxious, it was indeed my first party and it was an important milestone to my teenage life, should it be? I don't know, I think I have to wait to find out.

I see on the clock that are seven and 56 and my heart beats fast. In four minutes the party was going to start. I turn to the left and then to the right and then to the left one more time. Until I reached a point where only (by pure instinct) I used both my hands to pick up two distinct tips from the sheet, seconds then wide both ends and then (again by pure instinct) I hit violently with fists in bed.

And I breathe over and over again until I feel my chest getting lighter. And then I heard. Someone was knocking on the door. Charles was knocking the door. I woke up, I fixed my clothes. I technically hadn't changed my clothes, and I hope some ripped jeans on my knee with a red sweater are enough for this party.

I opened the door and smiled.

-Hello-I said timidly.

-Hello-Replied the shy boy.

-Shall we?-I asked, looking at him now in the eyes.


He gave me his hand and I grabbed it, then he guides me to the boat hall, where the party was going on, and by the music that was loud enough for I couldn't even hear my own thoughts and the number of people jumping with smiles on the faces I saw that the party was doing well.

-Look, isn't this going to bother the people who are sleeping on the ship?

-No, because everybody's here-he says with a smile on his face.


-Yes, our family decided to celebrate Max's birthday now.


I swallow. By midnight Max would make 21 years and I would be joining him with a polite smile on my face. A big smile okay, I'm sure I am going to get drunk tonight, very drunk.

-You all right?-asks Charles with his hand on my shoulder.

-Yes-I answer by looking at him with a half smile on my lips.

-You want to dance?-He extends a hand towards me.

I honestly didn't want to but Max must be somewhere, not looking at me or maybe he is looking. I don't care either way. He's nothing to me.


-Let's go. -he pulls my hand to the center of the dance floor and I followed him in a hurry. The song "Shout out To my ex" from Little Mix was playing at a loud volume.

I start dancing, in a weird way, I was, and I'm still a bad dancer. I move my arms in complex movements and close my eyes, letting the music move me. After hearing the end I open my eyes and then begins another song, this slow "Perfect" by Ed Sheran. I look around apprehensive, people were no longer jumping. Now the stage was flooded by couples.

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