2- The worst decisions start with drunk thoughts

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"Nothing can dim the light that shines from within"

    - Maya Angelou


"I look towards Paul still in shock.

-I'm going to the Caribbean? -I questioned simply breathing in a weird way.

-Yes, darling-answered Paul with a smile on his lips.

I pick up the tea mug and land it on the wooden coffee table in front of me. Then discreetly I shake the hand of Max from my waist, in response I hear the sound of a dog winning. I breathe deep into irritation, boys like Max disgust me.

-I can't wait, Paul-I say enthusiastic, and I wasn't lying, my parents didn't travel too much because of their work and then it was going to be my first big trip, and it is going to be an island.

-I am too, honey, I'll be counting the minutes--says enthusiastic Paul drinking after his black tea mug.

-I also am - whispers Max looking at me with those green eyes that caused me chills in my spine.

-Paul thanks for this, it was a pleasure to meet you Max-thinking to me, it was not a pleasure, you idiot!-but I have to go study for an important literature test-I got up from the couch I passed by Max with my legs shaking and I went to give a kiss on the cheek to Paul.

-Oh, Honey, don't go, Max can help you with this test, I'd really like you to stay little longer-Paul looks at me hopeful.

No way, I was going to be alone with Max studying William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.

-I have to decline the offer, I like to study for myself, but thanks anyway.

-Okay, honey, whatever, but please come at dinnertime.

-Yes, I will--I say in a nice way, fixing in a clumsy way my pajamas of hearts
Paul now turns his face towards Max and exclaims enthusiasm-the request is also for you!

-Yes, of course, I'm going to be with Scarlet and then I can come here-Max says that with a cross leg in the other.

-Bring her in, too, I'd like to find her again, did you both found a date for the wedding?-Paul asks simply with the mug in hand.

My brain takes a long time to process the information, but he's pretty sure he heard the word "marriage." I choke at the moment.
Max moves in the chair and gives a little glimpse at me-no uncle -after that, he moves the shaggy brown hair with his right hand and gets serious-looking ahead.

-What a pity-drink a little more tea and express a smile-but I hope you bring her with you for dinner.

-Yes, I'll bring it with me. -Max is still serious and he looks at me again, my legs start shaking again, almost as if it was already a habit.
I fix a clumsy lock of my pink hair behind the ear and look at Paul with a smile, and try not to look at Max who had his eyes nailed on me, like a hawk.

I walk away with a smile in my eyes. I leave Paul's apartment and with trembling hands, I open the door of my apartment. I walk into the house, with accelerated breathing and the memory of a pair of green eyes tossing my thoughts. I hit the main door and in hasty steps, I go to the kitchen and on my toes, I reach the top closet, from there I grab a bottle of tequila I watch the yellow liquid for a few seconds, and I open the bottle and drink half of it

Even though the heat in my throat and even felt my head hurt, I couldn't get my mind off the memory of those green eyes. With the vision a little unguided I look to my watch and I see that I still have 1 hour to get ready to go to dinner.

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