6- Family always has secrets

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"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work"

-Thomas Edison 


I arrive at my home in a mess. I leave my high heels on the sofa and I go upstairs into my room. I go to my bed and I look at all my papers and my computer, I look at all the letters written in there and I think to myself if it is right to publish that. I shake my head. I am going to publish, with or without Max's permission. In the book was not only secrets about Max there were also secrets about me. I scroll with the mouse on the computer and I stop in the cover. I stay there with my eyes glued one to the white wolves. 


I open my eyes. I rise in a sudden movement and breathe quickly with difficulty. A big arm touches my belly.

-Calm I'm here, everything will be fine-Max pronounced in a gentle voice.

-Where Am I ?- I murmur.

-We're in our room, no one saw us-breathes deeply-fortunately.

-What was that--I mean, looking forward.

-That was a bad thing, I know.

-I... Could... Have... Been... Dead-I pronounce the words with difficulty.

-I'm sorry-a crying voice echoes in the room, I look at Max, tears ran from his green eyes.

-We're both fine, and that's what's important--I can't stop looking at his face, it's the first time I've ever seen him cry. I lift a hand and I land it on his right cheek, he lifts his face in my direction surprised--don't cry please-I say gently.

His green eyes were sparkled because of the tears and looked like two emeralds. He gave a little glimpse in my hand and lifts his, landing it right after mine. The warmth of his hand calms me down. Their eyes find mine. He starts to come to me and I do the same towards him. My breath was heavy and my heart was beating fast.

-We'd better go meet Paul.

-Okay-I  swallow did we had a moment?-wait-I ask.

-Yes-I go to him and I wipe the tears in his face with my fingers, he smiles sadly.

-Thank you.

-I make a forced smile and I leave the room, he goes after me with my bags in his hands.

- Emma.

-Yes?-I look to him.

-Is everything okay with us?

-Yes-I lie with all the strength I have.

I move my feet and I start walking, I bite my lower lip hard. I'm angry and I don't understand why. I keep walking and I hit my feet the ground as I walk. A lot of anger.

-Are you sure everything is fine between us?

-Yes, it's all good-I growl surprising Max and even myself.

-Ok-he responds softly.

I growl at him, I just growl at him. I notice the elevator's broken and I'm looking at Max.

-The stairs are right there-he points with one finger.

-Stairs, OK-I breathe deep and I try to calm down. I can be normal.

-Paul sent me a message saying we should go outside.

-Okay-I nod my head in agreement. I don't look at him. We had a moment and I wanted him to... Maybe... Uh..... And I'm angry because it didn't happen. It was ridiculous, I shouldn't be mad at him. We have nothing. I sketch a smile of sympathy for him. He looks at me confused. Good, now he thinks I'm the bipolar one.

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