Chapter 25

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A few years later, after graduation, Sebastian found a bump in the road when going back home with Skyler for the first time. He hadn't told them about this friend, and he never thought about doing it at all in hindsight.

But he knew that one day it'd have to happen, whether Sebastian was prepared or not. His father caused a lot of problems back then, but when he thought about it: that was years ago. They'd have to be more lenient.

When Niall came around the corner to see them, he frowned and brought out his hand for Skyler to shake. “I haven't been introduced to you yet, have I?” Skyler shakes his head and accepts the handshake. “My son isn't very keen on introducing me to his friends, but I guess that can be acceptable if our past is involved.” Sebastian gives him a stern look. Niall chuckles. “Sorry, I ramble on enough.” He motions toward the kitchen. “Please, come join us for dinner...”

“Skyler.” The other young man quipped, smiling.

Niall nods. “Skyler. Liam and I are preparing a few things after Seb's graduation, and your assistance would definitely be beneficial.” He earns a short laugh.

“It'd be my honor.” Skyler steps into the kitchen after slipping off his shoes. “Sebby has told me a lot about your food and how amazing it is in comparison to everything else, so I guess I'll be the judge of that today.” He looks over at Sebastian who also smiles.

Niall grins. “Good. Liam and I have been working extra hard around the house since we're getting a lot older-”

“Hey! We're not that old,” Liam interrupted fast. A pout made its way onto his face when hearing the specific word, a simple kiss bringing his mood back up.

“We're over forty years old now, Payno.” Niall sighs. “Even if the two of us look good for our age, it doesn't change the fact that we'll be needing assistance from other people. I don't want to rely on anybody else but you, I really don't, but we'll have to make that sacrifice.” Niall never changed his state of mind, and it came to be one of the many reasons why Liam never fell out of love for him. They were inseparable.

Skyler and Sebastian listened to their banter before getting motioned out of the kitchen. Sebastian stayed though, giving Skyler a chance to look around and get a feel of the place.

“I wanted to talk about Skyler for a bit.” Niall watches the nervousness pile onto his face. “He's like us, but he has a past that I don't think you're going to appreciate if I bring it up. He means way too much for me, so if you split us apart... I wouldn't feel alright.”

Niall frowns and crosses his arms. “Is it that big of an issue? Surely, he's an intelligent and kind enough person to treat my son well.”

Seb bites the inside of his cheek and lets his hands fall to the sides of his thighs. “He's Isaac's son but has zero qualities that relate to him.”

Liam turns his head and gives Niall a short nod. He knew that they'd run into this sort of problem so being prepared was an understatement, in this case.

“Does he have the same intentions as his father did when he tried to kill me?” Niall's voice was stern. He gripped his right arm that's still crossed with his left.

Sebastian shakes his head. “No, not at all. He wants to forget about that because he doesn't agree with what Isaac did. His other father didn't appreciate Isaac's state of mind either, so they're in the same boat when it comes to what happened.”

Niall nods shortly and sets free a small smile. “That's all I needed to hear.” He ruffles his son's hair. “Now run along. It's obvious you want to spend some alone time with him. Please be careful.” He earns a short nod and gets left alone again with Liam who turned off the stove when the footsteps away completely.

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