Chapter 10

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For the next few days, mixed in with school and work, Niall adjusts to new friendships and learns more about his alpha boyfriend in the process. He formally introduced himself to Louis first and made a genuine friendship within minutes.

He found out that his family originated in Doncaster and how living never became easier for him until he met Harry. He admitted they've been seeing each other for more than a few months now and joy can't describe how he feels when thinking about such a man.

Louis continues on more about himself, telling Niall how he enjoyed singing. He does it when having the chance to do so, but when it occurs, he steals the spotlight. That's what he believes anyway. Other than that, he's a caring person who desires safety and order. Nothing brings him down, and he plans on keeping that motto.

Perrie and Niall talked a little bit here and there, the tattooed woman giving him a few details about herself.

She talked about her desire of becoming a tattoo artist in the future since she appreciated the art of making and seeing the final product. Nothing inspires her more than giving people what they want and earning a worthy reward in the process. In this case, money and genuine thank yous. They both give her solace.

An important note about Liam pops up nearing the end of a conversation with Josh, though. This pierced man joined the group later than when everybody else came together, but he adjusted to it perfectly. He enjoyed cooking a whole spectrum of dishes at his disposal and would do anything to work inside a huge kitchen.

Moreover, his note about Liam gives Niall comfort and puts him at ease for the next few days.

“Liam is a confident man. He's just stuck in this vulnerable and needy state that may last forever, but I know that he'll set his inner self free when the time is right. You have to trust him and his abilities when those particular moments arise. We all do, even if we can handle everything ourselves. Our group needs him, we need each other to remain whole, just like how he needs you.”

Niall let those words sink in and marinate for a short while until he found himself making dinner. He invited the rest of Liam's group over, Perrie and Zayn already at his small home, and had a lot to take care of. Liam helped with setting up the table and set plates on the counter nearest to his human lover after doing so. He earned a small kiss from Niall, furthering his motivation to work harder in order to receive simple rewards.

The invitations came into effect when he heard Louis's small laughter. It sounded soft and energetic, noticeable in any scenario that he's in. He greets him, Harry, and Josh respectively before continuing to make dinner with Liam now at his side.

“I can't believe that Zayn and Harry are actually getting along after what happened to them.” Liam's words shocked Niall. The Irishman couldn't help but frown and glance over at his boyfriend.

“What do you mean? I know they dealt with something serious, but neither of them told me about it when Harry came into my life.” Niall continues to frown. “Was it really that serious?” He wanted his friends happy and if he needed to help in any way, then he would.

Liam sighs softly. “It was.” He continues to clean the dishes from yesterday. “Basically, he and Zayn were together before Perrie started getting feelings for Zayn. It took many months for them to eventually split off and end up with Zayn and Perrie getting together in the end. Harry was extremely heartbroken and lost all of his trust with Zayn but wasn't mad at Perrie because she wasn't the one who cheated in the first place.”

Niall's eyes grew wide, now shocked. Liam noticed this and bit the inside of his right cheek, not knowing if it'd be a good idea to continue on with this subject. He never figured out if Zayn and Harry were really okay since it happened, so he didn't want to ensure anything.

“Zayn made the tough decision and betrayed Harry, breaking his heart in the process. Perrie had no idea that they were together, but she couldn't do anything after Zayn marked her. They are bonded together and she didn't want to leave him since her feelings had always been genuine. She needed Zayn.” He sets a few of the plates inside the drying rack. “That's why I can't see them hanging out together anymore. Harry has Louis and Zayn has Perrie. They've found different people to spend their time with, but still. They were close friends before then, and it's difficult to just break away from someone who means a lot to you. I couldn't do that to any of my friends. I couldn't do that to you, Ni.”

The Irishman smiles fairly and sets his rag down, not expecting to hear a bustling argument out in the living room moments later. He and Liam get worried, stepping out to the intense scene already taking place.

“Why are you even bringing this up?! We're supposed to be having a good time with everyone, but your self-esteem just wants to ruin it all!” Harry's voice spat like venom, dripping onto Zayn who looked extremely pissed off. His jaw and fists were clenched in evident anger and nobody knew what to do. Except for Niall.

“You two, my room, right now! This is my house and you're going to listen to me, got it?”

Both of them listen and angrily step down the hall and into Niall's room like little kids. Niall didn't expect such an easy response, but he went with it when everyone else's eyes were glued onto him.

“I'll get this sorted out...” He turns to Liam to whisper softly into his ear. “Get the food ready for everyone, okay? I won't take long.” He kisses Liam delicately on the cheek and tries to walk away but gets pulled back into a deeper kiss that makes Perrie whistle.

“We get it, boys. Let your educated partner fix this business so the group can have a good time for once.”

Sighing, Liam pulled away and gazed over at Perrie who wore a clear smirk on her face. The alpha rolled his eyes and gave Niall one last kiss before letting him go.

Niall eventually made his way into his own bedroom and closed the door right behind him. When taking a look around, he notices Zayn peering out into the front yard.  Harry sat on the bed, eyes glued to his own tattoos that he received from Perrie not too long ago.

This left Niall to sit in a chair between them, giving respective glances when giving a chance to do so.

“Liam told me about what happened only a few minutes ago, and I know you both have heightened senses, so did that trigger this argument?”

They looked at each other briefly before Harry nods and gives Niall a gentle, forced smile that screamed annoyance and frustration.

“I don't blame you for wanting to know, but we're adults and the two of us can fix this issue in due time-”

“Yeah right! You never want to talk to me when we're alone and it pisses me off because I'm tired of not being able to talk with you.” Harry looked over at Zayn when hearing him speak. “I just... miss having you as a friend, a brother who will always be there for me when nobody else can. I miss our friendship so much and I'll never stop apologizing for cheating on you. Please...”

Zayn had turned to the green-eyed man by the middle of his rant. He earned his attention immediately, heart wrenching over Harry's facial expressions. He missed him more than anything, why can't Harry understand that?

It takes a few minutes for him to do anything that revolves around a significant response, and he stands up to bring Zayn into a tight hug. Niall takes in the view of Zayn's arms and smiles a little, feeling content with his own choice of getting them into a room together.

“I forgive you, Zee. I just...” he sighs, “still find it difficult to feel comfortable around you. I don't know if we will ever get close again, but I do know that, whenever you're in danger, I'm going to save you.”

Zayn feels content enough to nod and ruffle Harry's luscious hair that never failed to have a soft texture.

“I guess I'll have to keep note of that then...” Zayn turns to look at Niall, and Harry does the same.

“We have you to thank, per usual, Niall. It not for you, then-”

“Ah, there's no need to get all sentimental because of me. All I need is a promise that everything is going to be okay. Promises are important.” They nod, smiling.

“We promise.”


Author's Note: Zarry made up, kinda, yay! This was the last bit of happiness before the oncoming storm. Be prepared and I love you all, remember that x

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