Chapter 22

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For the next few months, Niall did his best to keep a healthy mindset and diet for the baby's sake. Liam helped him with the preparations of food and aided him with laundry. They showered together every time Niall needed to. Liam would never leave his side, and the Irishman enjoyed every single minute of it.

Although, his belly did form a small bump. This symbolized the baby's steady growth that followed his and Liam's daily tasks. Neither of them expected for everything to remain easy and worthwhile. Niall continued his streak of hard work even when getting bigger after each month that passed.

Liam was completely amazed by this. He watched Niall work harder than he ever has before. It showed how strong and powerful the Irishman became after that night many months ago. Liam was so proud of him.

Even after all the hard work that he put in, Niall couldn't hold back a huge smile when holding his baby boy in his arms. He cradled him close and pressed a kiss to the small baby who worked well with him during the entire process. Niall had to take a few seconds for it all to sink in, especially when Liam stood at his side.

“Its been so long, but we're finally here.” Niall runs a thumb over his baby boy's cheek and hums contently.

Liam does the same with the other cheek and lets a smile fall onto his face. “Are we still going to name him what we decided on or?”

Niall nods shortly and feels a wash of relief flood over him when saying it out loud. “We are going to name him Sebastian...” He grins. “Sebastian James Payne.”

They brought Sebastian back home, after filling out a few papers, and laid him down in his bed. Looking down at him brought goosebumps along their arms and legs because this was finally real. A reality that neither of them expected at such a troublesome point in their lives. They were happy, though.

“Why don't we get some rest?” Liam grabbed Niall's hand and lead him right into bed that was only about ten feet away from Sebastian who laid in his own bed. The Irishman sighs and watches over their baby. He feels a sense of loneliness from such a short distance.

“Do you think it's normal for me to feel so distant from Sebastian even though he's laying right there,” Niall asked in a hushed tone. He didn't want to feel crazy.

Liam nodded. “It's perfectly fine.” He smiles. “I have been looking up the different effects and emotions that omegas go through after giving birth.” He lets out a short exhale. “There's a long list of them but feeling distant from him is normal. You were taking care of him for months as if he were already out in this world, after all. The attachment you have with him is normal.”

Niall nods firmly. “I understand.” He smiles. “I shouldn't feel bad about feeling this type of way then, but it's way too strange me to handle, ya know? I never thought about having kids or even living this type of life with someone who I've fallen in love with.” He turns to look at Liam, his eyes gleaming in satisfaction. “You have given me so much to live for and I genuinely don't know how to thank you.”

Liam grins and cups Niall's left cheek in his right hand, heart pulsating at how adorable the small speech got within seconds. “You don't have to do anything else to thank me. Having a family and your love is just enough.” He kisses the Irishman's right temple. “I promise.”

Niall hums and looks over at Sebastian one last time before snuggling under the sheets. He settles into Liam's side and earns a short kiss to the head after letting his eyes fall shut. This was his life, for good.

The next morning, Liam woke up to the sight of Niall in his briefs. He stood in the middle of the bedroom. He held their little Sebastian in a cocoon blanket while feeding him a fresh bottle.

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