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I wake up and peel Harry's arm off of me. The clock reads 6:03am. I quickly grab clothes for the day and get changed into them before heading to the kitchen. Anne and Robin are usually up early so when I reach the kitchen, I'm not surprised to see them there.

"Hey darling," Anne turns to me from where she was quietly chatting with Robin, "is something wrong? You're up early."

I shake my head no, then yes, "I'm leaving," both parents raise their eyebrows in confusion, "I'm leaving this town, I'm moving on. I have money saved, I should last until I get a job. I need a fresh start and I've decided today is the day to leave," I bite the inside of my cheek while waiting for their response, hands clasped together behind my back.

"I, well that's, I d-don't know what to say," Anne says and quickly turns around. I move my gaze to Robin who is smiling slightly at me, he then walks over to me and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Anne's become quite fond of you Bailey. It's a shock that you've told us so suddenly, but whatever you want to do, nothings stopping you from doing it. Go get that fresh start and live your life to the fullest. It was a pleasure knowing you," he surprises me by wrapping his arms around me and hugging me. It last a few seconds before we part from each other to a sniffling Anne.

"Bailey, my dear," she walks over to me with her arms spread and engulfs me in a hug, "I can't stop you from leaving but I'm going to miss you so, so much. You've become so special to me in such little time. I don't want you to go," she chuckles, "but I agree with what Robin said. Go live your life sweetheart, nothings stopping you. You've become a third child to me, but I eventually have to let all my children go so I suppose I won't tie you to a chair," she pulls back, "god bless you child," and she kisses me on the cheek multiple times before stepping away and wiping her teary eyes.

"Thank you both for everything. You've done so much for me and I will forever be grateful. You're such a great family and I appreciate you all very much," I wipe my own glassy eyes, "I'm sure I'll see you again. But I need you to convince something to Harry," I look at the both of them hugging each other's sides.

"What can we do for you?" Robin asks.

"Well, Harry said he would think of coming with me, to leave. But I need you guys to tell him he can't come, he needs to stay here, without me," I wipe my eye as a tear escapes, "he belongs here, but without me. He might have already decided that he's not coming, but if he wants to come, don't let him. He has a life ahead of him, he needs to graduate, he needs to do things he would have done before he got involved with me. I'm going to see Gemma now, but just, just stop Harry from saying he's coming with me if he decides to, yeah?"

They nod and I quickly hug them both and kiss them both on the cheek. "I'll miss you both so much," I say before leaving. I go towards Gemma's room and knock on the door softly.

I hear a groan, "mother! I told you not to wake me up early anymore!"

I open the door a fraction and peek in, "its me."

She sits up in her bed and smiles, "Bailey, you can be the only exception to wake me up early."

I walk over and sit on the bed next to her, "so, I've decided I'm going to leave town today."

"What?" She yells.

"It will be good for me Gemma, I need to leave but it will be so much better for me. Moving away from all of this will be good," I raise one corner of my mouth up.

Suddenly she has her arms around my neck and is pulling down onto the bed, "oh Bailey, I'm going to miss you so much," she squeezes me tighter, "oh my god! You have to text me everyday, this is so sad," she sniffles and fans her eyes out, "it's not helping that I'm on my period, I don't want to cry," I laugh.

"I'm going to miss you Gem. You've been great, like the sister I've always wanted."

"How is Harry taking it?" She asks.

"I haven't told him," her mouth drops open, "I'm going to. He knew I was leaving at least, just not this soon. He even made me think of leaving, he said he will decide if he comes with me or not. But Gemma I don't want him to come," I shake my head, "I thought it would be good if he came, but now I don't. I can't be dragging him down, he needs to live his life he would have wanted before me."

"Yeah I get it, he's madly in love with you so I don't see how he will handle you leaving without him."

I scoff, "no way in the world is Harry in love with me."

"Yeah yeah, okay now go tell your prince you are abandoning him," she shoos me off.

"Gemma don't say it like that!"

"Sorry," she laughs then turns her face serious, "I'm too tired to get up, but seriously, contact me everyday. Now hurry up and tell your man!"

I give her one last hug, "will do and don't call him my man!"

I exit the room as she calls out "whatever you say."

I head to Harry's room and slowly open the door. I start to freak out when I can't see him in his bed. I quickly grab my bag and start putting things away. I only have a small amount of items so there isn't much to pack up.

When I'm done I grab my bag and my school bag which I also put stuff in and head downstairs to see Anne again. "Do you know where Harry is?"

"Yes, I thought you did too? He went for a jog, I was assuming you told him and he was going to clear his head," she shrugs.

I shake my head, "no, I haven't spoken a word to him. Maybe I shouldn't say anything," I whisper the last part to myself.

If I don't say anything to him then it won't be as hard to leave. My head is spinning with the thought of what to do. Now that I think of it, not telling him and saying goodbye to him would be best.

"I'm leaving now Anne. Thanks for everything once again, I'll try and keep you up to date," I smile sadly at her.

"No goodbye for Harry?" She tilts her head.

"No, I think it's best if he doesn't have one."

"Okay. Goodbye darling, you be safe and make the right decisions," she smiles at me.

"Will do, bye Anne,"

And with that I walk out of the house I've been staying at. I walk away from the family I care deeply for. I walk away from the bad memories. I walk away from the good memories I won't forget. I walk away from this life.

I walk to the bus stop to start a new life.

And in doing so I'm walking away from someone I've fallen for without saying goodbye.

I hope it was the right decision.

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