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Waking up out of breathe doesn't feel good.
But what feels worse is waking up when you didn't want to.

I internally scream as I look up to see what looks to be a hospital light, blinding me. I suck in a deep breath and push the oxygen mask off of me, but it is soon put on by someone.

"Breath, you have to keep this on, dopey," a female voice tells me.

I turn my head to the right and see a middle aged nurse standing beside me with a clipboard. I glare at her for calling me dopey but she isn't even looking at me.

"Now, your boyfriend has been here all night. I told him to go hom-"

"Boyfriend? I don't have a boyfriend," I scrunch my face up in disgust.

"The little sh-, he told me he was your boyfriend. How could I be such a fool to believe him and let him in? As I was saying, I told him to go home many times, he just wouldn't leave, told me he needed to be here. His father went home at about five and he came back with two ladies and they left a few hours ago. Boy must really care for you if he's not your actual boyfriend," she shakes her head.

"So... what's the time then?" I ask, taking my mask off again, this time I can breathe.

She looks at the watch on her wrist, "quarter to four." Harry's been with me that long? At least I didn't stay out for days.

With my croaky voice, I ask, "where is he?"

"He just went to the bathroom. And darling, he's very upset. I can see him trying to be strong but I swear he is breaking down on the inside. He'll be happy to see you," she smiles and walks to the other side of the room to grab me some water.

She hands me the water and starts to tell me what happened as I drink it, "so, Bailey, something must have triggered," I don't want to hear it.

I put my water on the table at my side, "look, honestly," I squint at her name tag, "Maria, I don't want to know what happened, in fact I was the one it happened to so I do know what happened. You can tell me if it's life threatening, I'm going to die or if I need some medication. I'll politely decline you telling me what triggered it or any of that shit."

I mean, I tried to say it as nicely as possible.

She nods, "yeah, I get it. It's not life threatening, you're not going to die, but if I didn't put the oxygen mask back on you than you could have! And no, you don't need medication. Would you like a tip?"

"Sure," I reply without interest.

"Whatever goes on inside your head, don't overthink it. You need to breathe, relax and if it gets worse, get some comfort, baths are good as well."

I grumbled a thanks as Harry walked in. His head down low, hair in front of his face, hands in his pockets. He continues to walk to the seat in the corner of the room and sits down, not even noticing my consciousness.

He rakes his hand through his hair and looks at Maria, as if only now noticing her presence. His eyes move to my lazily drooped open ones and they widen.

"Oh shit, your awake!" He yells, his cheeks going slightly red at how unexpectedly loud he was.

I nod my head and he stands up, looking at Maria as he walks over to me, raising an eyebrow to silently ask for privacy.

She nods and heads out, closing the door behind her. Harry sits on the edge of the bed and sighs. He puts his elbows on his knees and runs his hands over his face.

"Why did you stay? You should have went home and got some rest" I speak as I look at my hands.

"How was I supposed to go home when you were balling your eyes out in my bed, said you basically wanted to die, then all of a sudden you were in pain and on my floor asking for help. I had to make sure you were okay, I couldn't just dump you off here and expect everything to be alright," he pulls his hands away and looks at me.

"I don't understand," I quietly say.

"What don't you possibly understand?"

"Why you are doing this for me, why you are letting me stay at your home, why're your helping me," I could keep going on.

"Are you blind? Have you lost a brain cell? It's because I care," he grabs my hand and looks at it. I blink.

"But you gave me shit, hated me for so many years then you find out what's going on in my life and you want to care about me?"

"Yes. I never hated you, when I first met you I thought you were very interesting. I kept picking on you, or whatever, to get your attention. And why wouldn't I care if someone I knew was getting hurt, was broken, needed someone?" He squeezes my hand.

I squeeze my eyes shut.

This can't be happening.

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