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After go into the bathroom and get changed into leggings and a hoodie Gemma gave me, I head downstairs.  I hear more voices, I didn't think I took long enough for people to come.

I stop at the bottom of the stairs and take a deep breathe when I look at the two adults in deep discussion with Gemma and Harry. Their mother and step father.

They all look at me when the floor beneath my feet creak.

"Oh god," the lady says fanning her eyes that are turning watery, "she's so beautiful," she chokes out. I choke myself in my head thinking that I'm far from beautiful.

She makes her way towards me and cradles the back of my head as she rests hers on top of mine.

"I'm Anne, the mother," she pulls my head away, keeping it in her hands, "that's Robin, I'm sure you've already guessed who we are though," she laughs lightly and I turn my gaze to Robin who light says "hello dear" and nods his head in greeting.

I put my hands on Anne's and pull them of my face gently, still holding them as I speak, "thank you so much for letting me stay for the night, I really appreciate it."

"Oh you're welcome honey," she lifts my hands up to her chest as she continues, "you don't deserve any of this, I can tell you have such a beautiful soul and I just met you. I don't care if that's the case, I love my children, couldn't imagine them going through this without me, I'm always going to be here no matter what. No child deserves to be motherless and for her father figure to treat them in anyway without love," she's about to continue but when she takes in my expression she feels as if she's said something wrong.

My bottom lips start trembling and my eyes start going glossy. I don't know if it's because she said she's going to be here no matter what, no child deserves to be motherless or love. Maybe it's because she said all three, but it just hit me like a train.

Anne gasp and covers her mouth, her eyes going glossy as well. She shakes her head, "oh no, I'm sorry. I've said something wrong. Oh my, sorry," she lets out a noise, a sob maybe, before going to her husband and letting him embrace her in a hug.

I'm about to say she's done nothing wrong but can't when I feel two large hands go under my arms and hoist me up in the air, before I'm having my legs wrapped around them so I'm sitting on the side of them. They wrap one arm on my lower back to hold me up and the other onto the back of my neck to put my head on their shoulder.

My eye sight may have been extremely blurry to not see who my giant tree I'm clinging onto is, but just by breathing in I know it's Harry.

I fix my position on him without lifting my head up, I tighten my legs, move my hand to rest on his bicep that is holding my lower back and move my other hand to go to the back of his neck, feeling his long hair.

He is shushing me so I must be sobbing and I hadn't realised it. Then he starts to make his way upstairs.

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