John: Now then the 2 agents, Jessica and Alison should be heading towards Beacon. And the police is about to raid the old warehouse with winter and atlisian forces. We're heading towards the endgame now folks.

(Y/N): Speaking of which did you now that in endgame-

Beacon Surveillance Room

Amanda: *Yawn* Man I'm bored.

Cam #1- Hallway

Cam #2- Lift.

Amanda: Hmm, what's this. The entrance. Now here's something fun John was right.

Amanda grabbed the shotgun next to her and walked out of the room.


Jessica: Hold up I'm deploying the drone.

Allison: Roger.

Jessica tossed the drone onto the ground and took out her phone so she could control it.

Jessica: Hallway cleared. Lift entrance cleared. Alright I think it is safe to enter.

Allison: Alright.

Allison drew her pistol just in case.

Jessica: Hey is that.

It was the dead bodies of the atlisian soldiers. now rotting.

Allison mumbled something and continued onwards.

Jessica soon followed.

Allison: Stay close.

Jessica: I'm fine I am not a chil-

Allison: Shh.

She said as she pointed towards Amanda sitting on a box.

Amanda whistling "More gun"

Amanda place a sentry turret in the ground.

Amanda: Hallway secured. 

She then walked off.

Amanda: Damn, Jess call for reinforcements.

Jessica: Got it. 

She takes out her transceiver.

Jessica: This is corporal Jessica Hoffman calling in for Backup.


She repeats again. No response

Jessica: Nothing.

Amanda: Seems like we are on our own.

Jessica: Yup.

Old warehouse

Outside was at least 2 squads of atlisian soldiers and just Eric and Winter.

Eric: You know the plan right. 

Winter: Yes, you've gone through this numerous amounts of times.

Eric: Alright, lets breach in.

Soldier: Breach.

The doors were blown.

Eric: Move in.

Soldier 2: Lets do this. Soldier NUMBER 2!!!!

Eric: He just ran in.


All of them moved into the room. It was empty.

The lights shut off and came back on.

Winter: What.

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