News To All (Vol.2)

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Location Vale (After dinner with salem)

John: It's good be back.

(Y/N): I agree.

Amanda: Whatever. So what do we do now?

John: We sent out the notices.

Amanda: The what?

John: Well, the letters of course. To the Schnee family, The Belladonna Household and then the Rose/Xiao Long/Branwen family.

Amanda: I see.

(Y/N): I'll grab the stamps.

John: Ah, the sweet sweet taste of revenge. I can wait to see their reactions.

Location (The Gideon MeatPacking Plant)

The Group entered the building, To see only a few tables set up with, John's creations on them some blueprints and the letters to the parents.

John: Alright lets get to work, Its going to get pretty busy.

Amanda: What do I do, with team RWBY's bodies.

John: Toss them in the freezer, I have plans for them for the future.

Amanda: I don't even want to know what goes on in that demented mind of your's John.

John: Whatever I think. The author is thinking the same. So he is the Demented and Insane one if you ask me.

Amanda: Whatever.

(Y/N): So when do we bring in Lily's body.

John: The white fang arw bringing it soon.

Amanda: What do we do about school now.

(Y/N): Yeah since ozpin is dead and all.

John: Turn on the T.V.

(Y/N) turns on the T.V

Lisa Lavander: And in other news, after the death of Beacon's headmaster Ozpin. The students and Faculty have are being relocated to the other academies. Now to the interviews.

The T.V cuts to Lisa interviewing various students.

Lisa: So, Miss Nikos, which school are you going back too scantum since beacon has been shut down.

Pyrrha: I'll probably head back to sanctum.

Lisa: I see, You sir.

Jaune: Who Me?!

Lisa: Yes, Which school will you be heading too.

Jaune: Sanctum academy.

Lisa: Looks like scantum will be receiving new students this year.

The T.V turns off.

(Y/N): Well then. What about the relic.

Amanda: You mean the thing, That salem told us about.

(Y/N): Yup.

John: Its currently being relocated to Atlas.

(Y/N): I see.

John: Alright, Now then I'll prepare the next game. (Y/N) go mail the letters.

(Y/N): Yes John.


(Y/N) had already mailed the letters, and is walking back to the warehouse. not before stopping by beacon. There was rope around the gates and policemen patrolling the vicinity.

Let's Play A Game (A RWBY Cheater story)Where stories live. Discover now