John's Past (BONUS)

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(Y/N): So John, what did you do in the past 20 years as a teacher.

John: Actually I was a mercenary for a while.

Amanda: Really, cool.

John: Yup, I'm wanted in atlas, but Ozpin's been covering my back even though I don't need it.

Amanda: If Ozpin, was covering your back and he's dead now, Who going to help you.

John: I got that covered.

Amanda: Ok?

(Y/N): Ah. Mind to regale us with your tales of daring do.

John: No I do not. Come let me tell you the tale of John Kramer the legendary Nomad of Nowhere. Wait I meant the legendary Mercenary

John: Queue Storytime Flashback!!!

(Y/N): Sound effect activate!!!

Amanda: Can both of you quiet down. Were in a public place.

John: Were the main characters, Nobody is going to realise.

Amanda: I hope.

John narrating: I remember it like it was just yesterday  


Billy: Creator, the bags are pack.

John: Excellent, Looks like will be early for once.

Billy: Where are we going again? Creator?

John: To mistral, I have somebody I need to meet. But first I must tell Ozpin that I'm leaving.

Ozpin's Office

John: Hey Oz, I'm leaving for a few years.

Ozpin: Years??

John: One must perfect an art, before teaching it.

Ozpin: Cant argue with you there. Alright. Stay safe.

John: See you in a few years.

John exits the office.

John: Now for adventure.

Billy: Woo. Eh

John: Lets go,

Timeskip 2 hours later Mistral

John: And were here. Mistral, land of RWBY volume 4 and 5.

Billy: Huh.

John: Just watch the show. Now to meet the client.

Billy: Yes, creator.

John: Mantis Inn, this must be it.

John enters looking for the client.

Billy: So where's the client.

John: Don't know, the client said that someone will escort us to them.

Billy: Hmm...

Soon a deranged looking scorpion faunas approached John.

Faunas: Are you John?

John: Yup.

Faunas: This way.

The faunas led them towards the basement of the Inn.

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