Atlas Intervention (Vol 2)

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Vale Police Department Morning

Eric entered the building to see Jessica asleep at her desk.

Eric: Seemed like she didn't go home. Better get to making some coffee.

He walks towards the coffee machine to brew some. (John: I feel a disturbance in the brew)

Eric: Now to wait.

The coffee was done, he walked towards Jessica, trying his best not to make a sound. He placed the cups down on the desk, and he got next to Jessica's face.


Jessica: AHHH!!!!

She fell off her chair.

Jessica: Damn'it that hurt, Whoever did that, I'm gonna-

Eric: Gonna what?

Jessica: U-uh gonna say good morning. Uh, morning sir.

Eric: Morning Jess.

Jessica: So when's the Atlasian officer gonna show up. 

Eric: I think she's

Winter: Right behind you.

This causes the 2 vale officers to jump.

Winter: There goes first impressions.

Eric: Head inspector Eric Matthews, Pleasure to meet you Mam.

Jessica: Inspector Jessica Hoffman, please to make your acquaintance

Winter: The pleasure is mine. Now then onto business.


(Y/N): So your'e saying that, the vale police force called atlas to help with the investigations.

John: Yup, Didn't you read the last chapter.

(Y/N): I did. So that means.

John: Winter is here.

(Y/N): This has turned into a difficult situation.

John: Anyway, I'm on prisoner duty today, so your'e free to do what ever you want.

(Y/N): Alright.

John: Now then onto the siblings.

John walked over to the room and opened the door revealing yang and ruby chained.


John: Keep on trying, this is totally not the 8th time you made this threat.

Ruby: Why are you here it's not time to eat.

John: No, I was just thinking you would like to see your friends.

Ruby: W-weiss and Blake.

John: Yup.

John unchained ruby. and handcuffed her.

John: Lets go.

Ruby agreed.

They reach the fridge.

John: Ah watch your step.

The room was filled with dead pigs then they came upon, the corpses of the Weiss and blake.

John then heard cooing.

John: Archimedes no, its filthy in there.

A dove then flew out of weiss's rib cage.

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