Raid ( Vol.2)

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Vale P.D

Eric: Allison, I want you to investigate Beacon again.

Allison: Why? We already cleared that place. 

Eric: No I think there's something more sinister there.

Allison: Yes sir. 

Eric: Take Jess with you.

Jessica was surprised by this and she pointed to herself.

Jessica: Me?!!

Eric: It's been a while since you exited this office anyway.

Jessica: Nice.

Allison: Alright I'll be taking my leave then.

Allison and Jessica left the room.

Eric: Now then Qrow.

Qrow: Yeah.

Eric: Have you been in contact with the jigsaw killer.

Qrow: Yup, I fought him. But his face it's a blur. He took Tai.

Eric: So you think we have a hostage.

Qrow shakes his head.

Qrow: Nope. Tai's dead. Most likely.

Eric: Damn. Alright you get so rest first. Winter come with me, will discuss this in more detail in my office.

Winter: Alright.

They both left the room leaving Qrow by himself. This whole thing with Tai reminded him of his past.

Qrow: *Sigh* John, Old friend. I hope you're- Wait. John.

L: Tsk Tsk Tsk. I hope you keep your mouth shut.

Qrow: What the- How did you.

L: I have my ways. Now then how do I silence you.


Eric was holding the revolver which had smoke coming out of it.

Eric: I don't think so. 

L: Tsk, You win.

The cloak just falls to the floor, as the body just disappears. 

Eric: What the, what did the body go.

Qrow: Nevermind that. John is the killer.

Eric: I knew it. Now then time for a raid.

Location Warehouse

Lily: JOHN!!!

John: What? I can hear you Don't need to shout.

Lily: They know.

John: Ah, about time. 

Lily: Huh? Your'e not worried.

John: I have this planned. If they know then they should appear at the old warehouse.

Lily: Isn't that the warehouse we're in.

John: Nope.

(Y/N) comes in carrying numerous amount of boxes.

(Y/N): Little help.

He says almost being crushed by the boxes.

Lily: Let me.

(Y/N): So then why did you ask me too-

John: The next phase.

John interrupted.

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