"They are all looking for you. Ares has been looking for you." Madeline lowers her eyes.

"I don't want to see him."

"What are you going to do?" What am I going to do?

How am I supposed to rule without knowing anything? I look around and remember the old abandoned castle.

I get up and start heading that direction.

"Madeline gather the girls and meet me at that old abandoned castle."  I point to the direction I am talking about.

"Ok, but it's kind of creepy." She says.

"Yeah, but we will fix it."

We part our ways. I walk over our to my destination. The small castle getting bigger and bigger. Small broken steps leading up the entrance. I force my earth power and start to form the stairs. The paths making better steps to step on. I keep going until I reach the entrance. The energy being taken away from me.

I open the door, jumping away as the doors break and fall leaving a trail of dust.

I picture Ares naked coming out of the broken wall with dust falling off of him. Speeding towards me.

I have let that damn devil do so much to me, but this, this hurts the most. What hurts is that I was so stupid to think a devil like him was capable of love, and I played myself.

I shake myself off and enter the castle. Everything is burned, broken and ruined. It will take a lot to fix this place. I close my eyes and take two deep breaths. I gather all the energy I can and blow a powerful gust of wind. Blowing all the ash and dust out of the place. I throw water to clean the walls and floor. And finally I start to fix little by little the broken walls. Nothing much has change but it's getting better.

"Danny?" I turn around and see Madeline, Freya, Amara, and Isabella. Freya runs over to me with tears in her eyes and hugs me. I hug her back and feel the hugs of everyone else. The thought of losing Cassie and Amanda is tough. We all fell in love with Cassie. Pure adorable innocent Cassie.

"Is this where we are going to stay?" Freya asks.

"If you want to. I am trying to fix it, but it's taking more than usual."

"Well don't worry much. I have a surprise for you." Madeline leads me outside the castle. Tears falling down my cheeks. Almost all female creatures standing outside the broken castle. Eric brought them here.

"They all want change, and they have a lot of faith in you. They are here to pledge their loyalty and serve you as the queen you are." Eric says.

How strange this is. I have never read the Bible but if anyone that does knows about this they will laugh in my face. Even those who don't read the Bible or who are nonbelievers. None of them will believe this.

"What? How?" It's all I can say.

A beautiful serpent woman slides forward. Her hair red. Reminds me of Zeleka. Oh Zeleka where is she?

"We are tired of being treated like we are worthless nothing that can be used whenever any of the monsters or demons feel like it! You have been changing a lot of things. And we want to change all of that!" Her voice rings out for everyone to hear. They all chant my name.

I feel joy over me. I will change everything! Here and in the living world.

"We will change everything! They will bow down to us. We are not going to bow down to them!" I let my voice be heard. Making the crowd cheer.

I enter the castle with everyone behind me. They all start to take charge in fixing things.

A Beautiful girl with green everything. Even her skin is green approaches me. She lifts her hands, covers them and opens them revealing a strawberry on her hands. I take it and bite it the juices exploding in my mouth. I close my eyes and enjoy the flavor in my mouth.

Betrayed (completed) Where stories live. Discover now