39: The Verdict - Part Two

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This chapter carries off all previous themes of the previous chapter.

"The jury finds the accused..."




It feels as though the words echo in Katie's mind, followed by, "Not guilty."

Her breath comes in shakes and quiet gasps before she remembers what she needs to do.

She's having a panic attack. Time feels like it's slowed down and she tries to remember they haven't said "Not guilty". 


Five things I can see. I can see the tables at the front. I can see the chairs. I can see the seat where I sat to testify. I can see my fidget toys. I can Lucie's phone.

Deep breath, Katie.

Four things I can hear. I can hear somebody tapping their feet. I can hear footsteps outside. I can hear a broken chair squeak. I can hear my own breathing.

Deep breath, Katie.

Three things I can feel. I can feel my pink skirt under my fingers. I can feel the air conditioning on my face. I feel the floor through my shoes.

Deep breath, Katie.

Two things I can smell. I can smell Amancia's perfume. I can smell some scented gum being moved on the air conditioning.

Deep breath, Katie.

One thing I can taste. I can taste the anxiety in my mouth.

Deep breath, Katie.

"The jury finds the accused guilty on all charges."

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