
172 5 70

Hello children :)
Chapter 71 → Ray

"No i can't, I can't be having the baby now!" Aaliyah panicked on the hospital bed before a contraction hit her making her arch her back in pain.

Her face was covered in a layer of sweat as her hair which was previously in a bun, was now in a nest of a mess. It pained me to see my friend in not only so much pain but also in such a state of fear. Her baby boy had another month to go before he had to come into this world, and it terrified Aaliyah that he was coming so early.

"Liyah I need you to look at me. You can do this, irregardless of the outcome you will love this baby with all your heart and life and give him all everything" I said to her
"But Ray-
"Please Li" I pleaded

Aaliyah locked eyes with me before nodding as a tear slipped her eye, downing in the pool that had formed on her hospital gown.

"Okay Li, I got you some ice and- Zion asked to come be with you during the birth" Rayaan said walking in
"No" Aaliyah said sternly
"Liyah he's the father of the baby" Rayaan explained
"He is your husband as well" I added
"We understand he made a mistake-
"A huge one at that" I added
"But he's human" Rayaan finished off
"Look I don't need a Ray squared intervention right now so either you're going to be by my side or leave" Aaliyah snapped sternly

Rayaan and I exchanged a look before standing by Aaliyah's side. Each taking a hand as the doctor came in, informing us that Aaliyah was fully dialated and ready to give birth.

"Okay Li, Nick kinda likes this hand so if you could-
"Been there done that." Rayaan replied strained
"Can't- ouch Li!" I yelled as she crushed my hand
"Okay Mrs Kuwonu, one more push" the doctor said

*in the waiting room
Zion's PoV

I paced the quiet room. The squeaking of my sneakers against the hospital floor, Manai's gum and Austin's light snores being the only thing bouncing on the walls of the room

"Bro could you just sit down" Brandon said rubbing the temples of his head
"Look you're not the one about to lose your wife and child!" I snapped at him
"Woah. All I asked was for you to sit down not your tragic life story" Brandon said rolling his eyes
"You wanna roll your eyes one more time Arreaga!" I said inching towards him

Edwin shot in between us
"Liyah is having your baby. This isn't the time to be fighting your friends" Edwin advised
"You better sit your orange headass up before I-
"Mr Kuwonu?" A man asked
"That's me" I said walking towards him
"I'm here to inform you that your baby boy has been born" he said making my heart drop

So Aaliyah really had the baby without me. I understood that I sort of deserved it but to cut me out of the birth of my own heir was harsh. Even for her standards

"Would you like to see him?" He asked making me nod as he lead us to the hospital room

Ray's POV

I held little Kuwonu in my arms. My nephew was so cute, looked exactly like a mix between the two. More like his momma, but he looked like he'd take on Zion's light skin tendencies.

"Ray" Rayaan said placing a arm on my shoulder
"Yeah" I sniffed
"You good?" She asked gesturing to the fact that I was crying now
"Yeah, my nephew just got his auntie crying on the first day" I said laughing it off
"Awww don't go soft on me now" Rayaan laughed

There was a knock at the door as the boys all walked in. There was some sort of tension in the air between Zion and I but I shrugged it off.

Brandon made his way to me, as Nick and Austin  did to a Rayaan and Manai and Edwin did to Aaliyah. Zion stood awkwardly not knowing where to go.

"Awww hey there little guy" Brandon said taking the baby from me, he began to squirm a bit
"See he loves his aunt more" I joked
"Nahh, he love uncle Brandon" Brandon laughed as he sat down

I watched as he played with the baby, my mind instinctively diverting to if I had had the baby. This would have been how Brandon would have treated him, maybe even better because he would have been his own.

"Hey there little guy, I'm your uncle B. I'm going to teach you how to dress like a fashion icon. And I'm going to teach you how to produce and how to skate. Actually I'm starting your Instagram account once I have a name for you" he whispered to the sound asleep baby.

I felt a lump form in my throat. I shot up, grabbing my things and leaving the room without uttering a word. My thoughts were becoming too much for me, they were almost suffocating me as I struggled to breath but pushed my body to the car. Before I could reach the car I was pulled into a chest.

I immediately recognised the person as Brandon as I broke down in his arms.

"Breath, please breath for me baby" Brandon cooed
"I-I can't do this anymore" I sobbed
"Do what baby?" He asked
"Pretend" I said "pretend like I don't think about my baby's lost soul. All my friends are out here having babies and living life to the fullest and I can't even fully carry out a term- why are you still even with me Brandon?"
"Because I love you. I plan on marrying you one day and making you mine forever. Even if you can't give me a baby. That won't define or limit my love for you Ray" he said giving me a kiss
"I'm sorry B. I just need some space right now" I said quietly before giving him a kiss and hopping in the car and driving away

*in Aaliyah's ward
Aaliyah's POV

I woke up to an empty room, guessing everyone went home to freshen up and get some food I decided to go back to sleep since I was very tired. I was about to sleep when I heard some whispering in the corner of my ward

"You May not see me again because daddy made a big mistake some time ago and now mommy is mad. I may be the reason you don't grow up in a home with a mom and a dad. But even if you don't I don't want you to ever doubt the fact that your mom and dad love you both equally. Okay champ. And I know you probably can't hear me but I love you and your momma so much" The voice said

I looked up to see Zion sobbing and holding the baby. I mentally smiled at the sight in front of me but my mind just had to remind me of the awful thing that Zion had done.

"Oh I'm sorry, I'll leave" Zion said gently putting the baby in the carrier and making his way out
"Wait Zion" I said making him stop "I'm going to be honest with you. I could never divorce you but I'm going to need some space and time to just think this all over and digest it okay"
"Thanks" Zion smiled before leaving

Maybe there was some hope for us....

😪I cried writing the Ray part. Ion know why but I did

🍂drop some ideas


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