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I think I'mma stop updating for a while until people become more active
Chapter 51 → Manai

"Morning baby" I said to Edwin giving him a kiss on the cheek before placing my bags down by the door
"Morning princess" he smiled as he continued to make pancakes

I walked up behind him, and wrapped my arms around his torso, setting my head down on his bare back as I took in the moment

"You okay?" Edwin asked
"Mmh" I mumbled

He took the hint as he turned me around, scooping me up and placing me on the counter as he stood in between my thighs

"Come on, spill sis" he said looking me in the eye
"I'm just low key sad I have to leave you" I pouted
"Aww baby, don't worry. You'll just FaceTime me" he smiled
"But it's not the same daddy" I said looking down
"I promise I'll call you, Snap you and everything to make sure you don't miss me as much Okay princess" Ed asked before pecking my pouty lips, making me break out into a smile

"And I though Brandon and I were the nasty ones" a voice said making me look. I saw Ray standing there holding a bottle of vodka in her hand
"Y'all are nasty though" Edwin resorted
"Not as nasty as you two. Doing it on the kitchen counters" Ray said in fake disgust
"Uhm sis y'all fuck everywhere" I laughed
"True true" Brandon said walking in
"Boy! You s'posed to be on my side" Ray scolded

As the boys put the bags in the trunk, Ray and I got to catch up a little on the missed out life we've been experiencing

"So you been with Ed for 4 years" Ray asked
"Yeah, and it's been amazing" I gushed
"But he hasn't put a ring on it?" Ray asked in shock
"I mean, I'm not going to rush him sis." I shrugged
"But the dick is good?" She asked
"Mad good" I said before we both burst into a fit of laughs

"Whatchu two maniacs laughing 'bout?" Brandon asked making me and Ray look at each other before laughing again
"What are we dating bro?" Edwin asked shaking his head

A little glimpse into the relationship of Ray and Manai.

Next partnership is kinda weird.  But it works cause Aaliyah's mad nice and can never hate anyone

🍂drop some ideas


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