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Chapter 43 → Nick

I guided Rayaan Towards the car, slowly opening the door for her as I helped her in, only to have her snatch her hand away from me

"Nicholas I'm pregnant not paralyzed" she snapped as she sat down, closing the door with a slam
"That's my car!" I yelled

She opened the door, peeking at me
"Watch me not give a flying fuck" she smirked before slamming it again

I rolled my eyes before hopping into my side. I started the car up and began driving to Nandos

(Fun fact. Rayaan absolutely LOVESSSSSS Nandos)

I hesitantly placed my hand on Rayaan's thigh, thinking she would remove it or smack it away but instead she kept looking outside. I smiled before beginning to rubbing circles onto her thigh.

I pulled up to Nandos as Rayaan ran out into the restaurant. I laughed at her pregnant self attempting to run as I locked the car.

I watched in amazement as Rayaan ordered nearly half the menu, not stopping to take a breath

"Okay, and what else?" The cashier asked
"And a salad, I'm trying to watch my weight" Rayaan joked as the cashier looked at her in amazement
"Okay that'll be $268,86" she announced

She looked back at me, batting her eyelashes before skipping to a booth making me groan and pull my wallet out

*after the meal kinda

"Can I at least have a fry" I said reaching for a fry only to have my hand smacked away by a full faced Rayaan
"No" she said with a mouth full "have this" she said shoving the salad my way
"The love" i mumbled as I opened the container

*at home

"Nicholas come help me!" Rayaan yelled making me groan and walk into the kitchen
"How did I know I would find your headass in here" I laughed
"Who you calling a headass boy" she said throwing a spoon at me
"God you're so violent now" I said picking it up and placing it on the counter
"Fuck you mean! I've always been this violent" Rayaan sassed back
"Yeah what did you want me for" I asked
"This" she said pushing the Nutella jar into my hands

I popped the jar open and set it on the counter, walking out not expecting a thank you and plopping on the couch. Grabbing the bag of Simba's Rayaan was eating and eating them myself as I flicked to a NFL game.

Giants Vs Patriots

I was so engrossed in the game I hadn't realized Rayaan calling me until she slapped me with a piece of ham

"What!" I asked
"I know you ain't yelling at me!" She snapped back
"I'm sorry" I mumbled "what's wrong Rayaan"

She took a deep breath
"Nick I think I like you but I don't wanna open myself up because of all the shit I've been through" she said

I was taken aback. My mouth open and eyes wide as Rayaan looked at me before standing up

"Never mind I should have kept quiet" she mumbled

I quickly grabbed her arm, pulling her into my lap and placing my lips onto hers.

"You've been mine since day one ma"

Something cute for Rayaan because

A) she's been down
B) she literally NEVER does cute shit about me and Brandon in her book but I'm not complaining

*10 seconds later


😹I'm kidding but should I wake up next chapter?

🍂drop some suggestions


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