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Chapter 35 → Aaliyah

I sat staring blankly at the wall. We were currently all together to find a way to find out where Ray was because our previous plans have failed.

"Li!" Rayaan said snapping me out of my thoughts
"Mmh" I humbled sitting up right
"You heard me right" she asked
"No sorry what?" I asked confused

Rayaan ran a hand over her face and groaned

"Really Aaliyah have you heard a single thing we've said this whole time?!" She asked annoyed
"Yes I have!" I snapped back
"Name one" she said, I tried to think but nothing came up "exactly my point! We can't afford to slack Aaliyah my best friend is out there maybe dead!"
"What you mean your best friend! She was mine as well!" I said offended

Before Rayaan could snap back Austin stood up
"Okay ladies this isn't the time to fight"
"Yes retract the claws" Edwin said

I stood up and began pacing to avoid zoning out again. It was something Zion had given me that I wasn't exactly proud of. My phone rang in my pocket making me pull it out, it was an unknown number but I answered it anyways knowing it could be a new client.

"Hello" I answered

There was a brief moment of silence
"Ahh Aaliyah, always good to hear that sweet voice" a voice said making me furrow my eyebrows
"Who's this?" I asked
"I'm hurt my flower" the voice said

My eyes widened it had been almost a decade since I was last called that and there was only one person who called me by that name.

"Kwazi" I said bitterly
"In the flesh baby girl" he said
"What do you want?" I asked
"Can I not call to check up on you" he said, I scoffed hearing the smirk in his tone

"No Kwazi you can't. I'm married now" I said proudly
"Well that's too bad, thought you'd want to know where your little friend is"

My ears where now perked as I stopped pacing, catching the attention of the rest

"Tell me" I said lowly
"Meet me somewhere and I'll tell you" he said
"Tell me where you have Ray you sick bastard!" I yelled
"Meet my where we had our first date and I'll give you all the details. I'll sing like a bird" he said before the line went dead

I let out a yell before throwing my phone onto the couch, roughly tugging the roots of my hair in the process

"Woah calm down!" Nick said rushing to my side
"What did Kwazi say?" Rayaan said through tears
"Who's Kwazi?" Austin asked

"When Rayaan And I transferred to California High, we knew nobody except each other. We met during orientation and instantly clicked. But in the big high school we were nobodies. That was until we met Ray. She was y'all, beautiful, smart and well achieved. Every girl wanted to be her and every guy wanted to be with her. She showed us the kinks and helped us become people" I started "being the head cheerleader she was dating the captain of the football team, ironic, his name was Tevin. They were the couple, Tevin treat her like gold. That was until "Hell week"

"Hell week was when Tevin started changing. All the footballers were banging their girlfriends or multiple girls so Tevin began pressuring Ray into it but she wasn't letting up. One day they invited us to this house party. We drank ourselves silly and hadn't noticed Ray was missing" Rayaan said

"We didn't know what happened until Ray arrived the next day with the police to arrest Tevin for sexual assault. And that was the last day we saw Ray for that year. And it was only March" I said

"Ray began working herself to the bone, studying non stop and writing all her tests and exams in a weeks period. She graduated earlier then the rest of us. We went over to her house one day and found that she had worked herself to a depressed state, she was hardly eating or sleeping" Rayaan explained

"That was when we had to wake up and get our friend back." I said "it took so much to get Ray back and I swear to god if this psycho has my best friend I will beat him"

And that's the back story. I'm sorry I didn't make it as detailed but I have a storm of a headache going on in my kop

🍂drop some ideas


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