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Chapter 33 → Aaliyah

It's been 3 weeks since Zion promised me he would quit. And I believed him. He's been clean for 3 weeks...

Well until news of Ray's kid napping. It was understandable the two had an unexplainable bond that well... you couldn't explain!

He apologized but I told him that he couldn't do this recovery on his own.

Which is why we're currently in a rehab center

"You ready?" I asked Zion. He looked at me and nodded before we made our way through the glass doors.

"Hi, how may I help you" the chirpy receptionist asked
"I'm here to sign my husband into rehab" I answered
"Okay. So I'll explain the process" she smiled "you'll sign and complete some forms, from there we'll give you some new clothes and a room and explain your schedule. For the first three weeks you may not see your significant other until you're released"

"Three weeks?! No I'm sorry I can't do this" Zion exclaimed making his way out of the center. I ran after him, grabbing his arm and turning him to face me. He had tears streaming down his face

"No Li, this isn't what I promised you. Three weeks is too much I'll break without you here" he sniffed. I cupped his face wiping away some stray tears
"You promised to get clean for me. Please Z" I said softly

He looked down, sniffing a little before picking his head up. He grabbed my face and gave me a passionate kiss.

"I promise next time you see me. You'll see the man you married"

So Zion's also falling away for a bit. Sorry

🍂drop some ideas


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