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Chapter 4 → Ray

"Thank you" I said to Brandon as he rolled in my last bag
"3 bags. Really Ray" Brandon said out of breath
"What? I don't wanna need clothes" i shrugged opening the last bag
"You look like you got evicted" he laughed
"Shut up boy!" I laughed

Brandon went back out and came back with his bag, setting it on the bed and beginning to unpack
"So I guess we're sleeping together" I said sitting on the floor
"I mean if you don't want to I could sleep downstairs-
"No. It's okay. Let's just set a few ground rules" I smiled
"Okay, Uhm, I sleep in my underwear" Brandon confessed
"Okay, I don't. but I normally cuddle my pillow so if you wake up with me cuddling you just move me. I'm a pretty deep sleeper" I said
"I don't mind it" Brandon smiled

"Well then since we're gonna share a room for the next week. How about we get to know each other besides what we know already" Brandon suggested
"Well, I'm Ray. Full name Rachel Harmony Naija. My mom and dad aren't married but my mom is Queen Naija and my step dad is Clerence. I have two brothers. Lucas and CJ and my mom has another on the way. I'm a Victoria Secret model and a last year Forensic Anthropology student" I said
"Wow, you're pretty achieved and you're only 20" Brandon nodded
"Well thanks" I blushed
"No problem" Brandon said sitting on the bed

"Well, I'm Brandon. Full name Brandon Michael Lee Arreaga. My mom and dad are married. I have one sibling, Halie and I'm a musician who can produce as well as dance" Brandon said
"And you're only 24" I said mimicking him
"Why yes" Brandon said in a funny voice making me giggle "And he's a jokster" I said laughing
"I forgot to add part time comedian" Brandon smiled

First time I met Brandon was at Zion's birthday party. It was pretty loud but we seemed to click pretty well. At the time he was with Charlotte so I didn't want to make a move and when Charlotte and him wound up apart, I was sort of happy. I mean he was good looking and funny so why not, it just seeemed like fate that we were paired together at the wedding party and in our room.

"I'm gonna shower" I announced
"Okay" Brandon said flopping on the bed. I looked at him crazy making him look at me
"What" he shrugged

So Ray and Brandonnnn

I'm feeling it. I like it

🍂drop some ideas


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