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Something nice for Rayaan?
Chapter 26 → Rayaan

"I don't wanna goooo" I whined
"Well too bad" Aaliyah said

The girls had managed to drag me out of bed and trick me into thinking we were going somewhere nice when in actual fact their headasses where dragging me to the doctors

"But whyyy" I asked
"Because we've been seeing the past few days you've been puking and crying and the whole mess" Ray said

Since the girls had their little relationship issues they've been staying with me and honestly I'm starting to regret it.

"Your point is?" I asked rolling my eyes
"You missed your period Rayaa" Ray said
"You could be pregnant" Aaliyah pointed out
"Who was the last perso-

"Ms Williams" the doctor called

I shot up, following the doctor to his office avoiding anymore questions

"Okay Ms Williams we got the test results back" he said opening the file
"Wait what?" I asked
"Well remember that time you cut yourself?" Ray said making me nod "I may have sent that blood to the doctors"

I sighed not even being able to answer
"Okay and" I said to the doctor
"Do you want them here" he said motioning to Ray and Aaliyah
"Of cause" I answered
"Okay.  Ms Williams congratulations you're three weeks pregnant"

I was flabbergasted. Like the words had been taken out of my mouth.
"Rayaan" Aaliyah said in a whisper "who was the last person you slept with"

I began thinking back to the last three weeks. Wracking my brain with possible people before remembering the last person



Sorry Liyah I was gonna make it you but yeah your mans is a druggie

🍂drop some ideas


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