Chapter 29

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Hey, guys! Hope you enjoy this chapter and happy reading!


Hannah sat up, wincing a bit and rubbing her head.


"Black Dragon. Living nightmare. Big trouble," Jack interrupted Hannah.

"You'll have to excuse Jack's bluntness, he's a bit anxious," Hiccup said. "Can't imagine how he would feel after going through all those nightmares."

"Nightmares? Going into other peoples' dreams?" Hannah said.

"He has to in order to wake the others up," Anna said.

"Oh. I- I see...," Hannah nodded slowly, though her face suggested otherwise.

"We'll explain to the best we can, but right now, Jack has to save the others," Elsa said.

"Why can't we help?" Hannah said, starting to get up.

"It seems that Jack is the only one out of the group to go into the person's mind," Hiccup said. "Believe me, I tried."

"After I told you to watch the Black Dragon in case it was up to something?!" Jack said.

"Well, you can't blame me for wanting to help," Hiccup rolled his eyes. "We're a team, remember?"

"And while I appreciate the worry and concern, I think I'll be fine," Jack said, already turning around.

"You sure there's nothing we can do to help?" Hannah said.

"Right now, what would be a huge help is if you keep an eye on the Black Dragon," Jack said, eyeing the beast, who was sleeping.

"Some dragon, sleeping in while it has prisoners," Hiccup mumbled.

"I'm surprised that it hasn't caught on to us waking up," Elsa said.

"Or maybe it's just waiting to surprise attack us," Anna said.

"That's why I need you guys to stay here and keep watch over it," Jack said. He was about to go back to the others who needed saving when he felt a hand grab his arm. He looked back.

"Jack," Hannah said. She seemed to be thinking over something. She looked him straight in the eye. "Thank you. For- for saving me."

"It's no problem," Jack grinned. "Besides, we're a team, right? We're supposed to have each others' backs."

Hannah nodded thoughtfully.

"Go help the others, and I'll try to save the remaining three as fast as I can," Jack said.

Let's see, Jack thought. The next one to help is...


"Huh. Pretty nice place she's got going here," Jack said to himself, marveling at the buildings and scenery of Merida's home. "It would be nice to spend a day off here."

Right then, two dogs, three boys, and a woman came running past him, the dogs barking up a storm, the boys laughing and eating to what looked liked to be cake, and the woman shouting at them to come back.

"Boys!" a male voice said and running not far behind them was a big burly man with red hair. "You get back here this instant!" he sighed. "That's what I get for raising three boys." He then began running again and tried to stop the parade of chaos.

"Dad!" a familiar voice said, and Jack saw the all too familiar face of his comrade. "I thought you were going to teach me some more archery!"

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