Chapter 8

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Hey, guys! Hope you enjoy this chapter and happy reading!

The two weeks seemed to go by quickly or in some cases, seemed to drag on. It really depended on who you asked from the group.

"I'm tired," Anna whined, walking at a slower pace than the others.

Elsa sighed and rolled her eyes. "Anna, I know you're a little rusty with traveling long distances, but we have to keep going and take minimal breaks." she looked back and smiled gently at her sister.

Anna groaned, now trailing behind the group. "Can we take one of those minimal breaks now?"

Jack looked back at the redhead. "Anna, everyone's tired. But we have to cover as much distance as possible in a short time."

"Are we at least halfway there to the Black Dragon's lair?" Anna asked.

Hiccup looked at his map. "No, but we're close to halfway."

Anna rubbed at her face. "This will take forever then."

Elsa sighed. "Anna, don't be so melodramtic."

"That wasn't melodramtic. This is," Anna flopped on the ground and spread her arms and legs. "Goodbye world! I will never be able to look at the sky and smell the flowers! I'll never be able to skip through the green grass and just roll around in the fresh dirt!" she put an arm over her face and pretended she was dead.

Elsa chuckled and helped her sister stand back up. "Okay, I get your point."

"So you mean that we can stop now?" Anna asked, looking to each and every one of the group with her best puppy dog eyes.


Anna huffed and began walking again.

"And besides, Anna," Hannah said. "Can't you already do all those stuff you mentioned in your, I mean, we're out in the open twenty-four seven."

"Not really," Anna said. "Whenever I try to look at the sky, it's either the sun is going to blind me, or it's already dark. And there're no flowers here to smell, the only ones being always dead. And don't even get me started on the dirt here." she kicked at a patch of dirt.  

"I don't really see the appeal of girls smelling flowers and just going in a grassy meadow and rolling in it," Merida said.

Anna and Rapunzel gasped. "What?! You mean, you don't like doing that?"

Merida shook her head. "Nope."

"At all?"


"Not even a little bit?"


"Not even a teensy weensy bit?"

"Nope," Merida said. "Rolling in the dirt does sound fun though. Maybe I'll do that later."

"Jack! Did you hear what she said!" Anna poked him on the shoulder numerous times.

"Yeah, I heard her. I don't see what the big deal is, though. I'm not exactly a girl expert so you really shouldn't be telling me this," Jack said, rubbing his shoulder where she poked him. "And don't do that to me ever again. You know how bony your fingers are."

Anna stuck her tongue playfully at Jack.

"I'm with Merida on that one," Hannah said. "Do most girls really waste their time doing that?"

Anna gasped. "It's not a waste of time! It's fun!"

Hannah shrugged. "I guess some girls have different hobbies then."

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