Chapter 5

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Hey, guys! Hope you enjoy this chapter! Happy reading!

After the incident with the bear, the group continued on. But it seemed after that occurrence that all of them had formed a closer bond with each other, seeing how they could all work together efficiently and in-sync. 

"Did you see how I did when I was fighting with that bear?" Jack crowed. "I was hitting and slashing and everything in between!"

"Yes, Jack," Elsa smiled. "We saw how you did."

"Really?" Anna said. "You were able to see him? Because I was, oh I don't know, too busy trying to save myself from the bear than watching Mr. Awesome here steal the show!"

Jack smirked. "Jealous, Anna?"

"No, I'm not jealous," Anna crossed her arms. "I'm just irritated at how you think that you're all great and mighty after just defeating a puny bear."

"Sorry, Anna," Jack ruffled the younger girl's head affectionately, giving her an apologetic smile at the same time. "It's just that I feel like I've got my mojo back after killing that bear."

"Hey, don't take away all of the credit," Hiccup teased. "We helped too."

Jack laughed. "Yeah, yeah, I can't forget about you guys."

"Merida was awesome!" Rapunzel said. "Her with her bow and arrows? Unstoppable!"

"And did you see how Elsa worked those slashes? Amazing!" Hannah said.

"And did you see Hiccup? He was all like fwoosh fwoosh strike!" Anna said, trying to copy Hiccup's moves.

While the group was complimenting and laughing with each other on how well they did, Jack glanced at Galaxy. He wondered if the girl was just plain shy to join the conversation or thought herself as too good for them. After all, she hadn't said a word ever since they had left, only giving herself the opportunity to speak when someone had asked her a question, yet that wasn't even viable enough to be considered as talking, what with her answers usually being one word.

"You know, you did good out there too, Galaxy," Jack said to her, quietly enough that only the two of them could hear.

Galaxy turned to him, her face still hidden with her black cloak, and simply nodded a thanks.

Jack frowned when she walked the opposite direction away from him, trying not to feel stung by her sudden actions and attempted to shrug off the hurt feelings away.

There are people who want to be with you every second of your life, and there are those who don't even want to know you exist, Jack thought to himself, remembering his mother's words to him when he was a boy. The thought about his mother panged him. Everything that had to do with his family hurt for him to remember. They had died in an invasion in his old town, Lakior. After that terrible event, Jack had vowed to himself that he would become a knight and bring justice to those who needed it.


Jack shook himself out of his thoughts, noticing that Elsa was trying to get his attention.

"You all right?" she asked, a worried crease on her pretty face.

"Yeah," he chuckled softly. "Just looking back at some things."

Elsa smiled sympathetically and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "If you want to talk, I'm here," she said.

Jack nodded and kissed her on the cheek, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "I know you are. You'll always be there for me."

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