Chapter 4

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Hey, guys! Hope you enjoy this chapter! Happy reading!

The first night of the group's journey went smoothly. Well, as smoothly as it could be when you have quite a rambunctious member in the party.

"...and then there was that time that that hippogriff almost killed me," Anna said, rambling on about her adventures to Rapunzel, who was hanging on to every word she said. "I could have been the next meal for that thing if Elsa didn't save me."

"Wow," Rapunzel said, looking at Elsa now. "That was really heroic of you!"

Elsa blushed. "I would do anything to save my little sister."

"Your sister is so cool!" Rapunzel gushed to Anna.

"I know right!" Anna said. "Anyways, back to my story...."

Jack groaned. She hasn't stopped talking since we first started off on our journey, he thought to himself. It didn't help either that they had been walking in the woods for almost four hours now.

"Gets on your nerves, doesn't it, lad?"

Jack almost jumped when he noticed that Merida was walking beside him. He did yelp in surprise though.

"Would you quit doing that?" he said.

"Doing what?" she asked innocently.

"Doing that stealthy, silent, creepy thing you do," Jack scowled.

Merida laughed. "Oops, sorry. It's a habit of mine back home."

Jack rolled his eyes. "Some habit."

Merida stuck her tongue out at him.

"I think we can rest here for the night," Hiccup announced to the group, pointing at a fairly spacious spot between a group of trees.  

The group nodded and set up camp. After setting up all of their tents, they all got out some of the food King North had prepared for him and started to eat. Besides small talk, not much was spoken, for everyone was exhausted on their first day. When they were all full, they all bid their goodnights and went to their designated tents.

Before going to his tent, Jack kissed Elsa goodnight.

"So far, so good," he whispered to her.

Elsa smiled at him. "Let's hope that that luck will stay with us throughout the quest."


The next day, everyone was up before dawn. They all packed their things and started walking again.

"Where is the dragon's lair again, Hiccup?" Hannah asked.

Hiccup looked at the map. "It's located three miles away from the village of Fiera."

"That was the first village it attacked." Rapunzel said, shuddering. "I can't imagine what it'll do to the other places."

"We'll have to get there quickly before it can do anything to another village," Jack said, quickening his pace. "I can't wait to kill that dragon."

"You know, not all dragons are bad," Hiccup said a bit nervously.

Jack looked at him in shock. "What are you talking about? Of course all of them are!"

Hiccup shook his head. "If you went to my hometown, you'd see that they're not so dangerous."

Jack gawked at him. "Wait, you're telling me that your hometown is overrun by dangerous, fire breathing, flesh-eating dragons?!"

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