Chapter 15

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Hey, guys! Hope you enjoy this chapter and happy reading!

"Are you sure that you saw people down there?" Elsa asked. Right after Jack and Hiccup saw the village, they hurried everyone to start heading there.

"It's not possible for there to be survivors. There haven't been any news of anyone surviving the attacks caused by the Black Dragon," Rapunzel said. "Right? Wasn't this village the very first one to get attacked?"

"Yes, this was the first village that got attacked by the Black Dragon," Jack nodded. "But it could be that those people saying there weren't any survivors were wrong."

"Maybe it was just in your imagination, lad?" Merida said. "You've got to be hallucinating, what with all the blood you lost from the griffon." 

"I swear, I saw people down there. They even looked like they were just going on with their daily routines," Jack said stubbornly. "Hiccup can back me up on this."

"It's true," Hiccup said. "There were people down there."

"Hopefully you guys are right," Anna sighed. "Because if this isn't true, we might have to deal with two sick boys for the whole journey."

Jack rolled his eyes. "You'll believe us when you see it yourself."

"Is that the village?" Hannah asked, pointing and peering at Hiccup's map for confirmation.

"Yes!" Jack said. "Guys, welcome to," he looked at Hiccup's map for the name of the village. "Luanr."

"This place looks like it wasn't even attacked," Elsa said, observing the village.

"Do you guys believe us now?" Jack said.

"Maybe," Hannah said. "The news could be wrong about the whole thing about Luanr getting attacked in the first place."

Jack groaned. "What will it take you guys to believe us?"

"People who actually live here telling us the whole, true story," Anna said.

"There doesn't seem to be anyone here like you claimed," Rapunzel said.

"Then we'll find them," Jack said.

"Right, like barging into someone's house uninvited is socially acceptable," Merida said sarcastically.

"Well, what do you suppose we do then?" Jack glared.

"I suggest we just look around," Hiccup said. "Maybe if some people see us, and judging by the way we look like travelers, they'll ask if we need any help or assistance."

Jack turned to the others. "What do you guys think?"

They shrugged. "There can't be any harm done if we're just looking around," Elsa said.

"So it's settled we explore the place," Jack said. The others nodded.

While looking around for any sign of life, Jack noticed that Galaxy was trailing behind them, a weary expression on her face.

"You okay?" he asked, walking beside her.

"Something doesn't seem right here," Galaxy said, adjusting her hood so that it covered her face again. "The atmosphere is unsettling."

Jack frowned. "Are you sure?"

She shook her head. "I'm not one hundred percent sure, I can't place a finger on it. It could be that I'm getting paranoid about most of the places we're going to though." she looked up and offered a small smile. "But we should keep looking around, like we all agreed to. Besides, like Elsa said, there's no harm done if we're just looking around."

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