Chapter 20

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Hey, guys! Hope you enjoy this chapter and happy reading!

"Anna, stop it!" Elsa screeched, grabbing her sister's sword.

"Elsa what are you doing?" Anna put her hands on her hips.

"The more important question is, what are you doing?" Elsa said.

"Easy, I was just trying to cut some trees so maybe some trolls or hopefully a more scary or menacing monster can come and attack us," Anna said cheerfully.

"Anna," Elsa sighed. "We've talked about this."

"I know, I know," Anna said. "But I can't help but be bored!"

"Maybe we should take a break," Galaxy suggested.

"Yes!" Anna said.

"No!" Jack said at the same time.

"We're very close to the lair," Galaxy said. "And we've been doing nothing but walk all day and sleep at night for the past three weeks."

"Three weeks and a day," Anna corrected.

Galaxy chuckled. "Alright. Three weeks and a day."

"That's the point. We're supposed to be doing that and to get to the Black Dragon's lair as soon as possible," Jack said. "Not standing here like statues and not making progress when we can.

"Besides, if Red here wants to get eaten by some wild animal," Jack pointed at Anna. "Then she has my blessing."

"You wouldn't let me do that even if I wanted to," Anna smirked.

"Try me," Jack said.

"Okay," Anna shrugged. She snatched her sword out of Elsa's grasp and started cutting at the tree. It only took a few seconds until Jack broke.

"Stop!" Jack said, grabbing her sword.

"See?" Anna said triumphantly. "I know you wouldn't let me put myself in danger."

"That's because I have no choice," Jack muttered. "If you weren't related to Elsa, I would be the first one to call a pack of wild animals to get you."

"Hey!" Anna said. "I heard that!"

"Good! Because you were meant to!" Jack said.

"So does that mean we can take a break and do something exciting?" Anna asked hopefully.

"Will it shut your whiny mouth for the rest of the trip?" Jack said.

"I can't promise to be totally quiet," Anna said. "But I will not whine and complain, if that's what you're asking."

Jack sighed. "Alright. Fine. We'll spend an hour."

"That's too short to even be called a break," Hannah snorted. "Up to three to five hours."

"What?!" Jack said. "No way. There's no wa-" He was cut off when he saw the others' looks. "Maybe five hours wouldn't hurt." he said.

"Great!" Anna said. "So what do we do?"

"You mean that you spent all that energy begging me to take a break and you have no idea whatsoever on what to do?!" Jack shouted.

"Calm down, Jack," Galaxy said. "Some of us know what we can do right now. I suggest we go swimming and fishing. I saw a lake not too far away."

"A lake?" Rapunzel said, her eyes widening. "Are there chances of sirens being there?"

Galaxy shook her head. "No, there are barely any signs of magical creatures where we are.

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