Chapter 25

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Hey, guys! Hope you enjoy this chapter and happy reading!


Jack swiftly sat up, his eyes wide with fear. He could feel his heart hammering in his chest, his blood pounding in his ears, his breaths coming in short, desperate gasps. His whole body was shaking no matter how hard he tried to calm himself down.

It's okay, Jack. Jack thought to himself. It was just a dream. Yeah, it was just a dream. Wait. He sat up a little bit taller. That was just a dream?

It can't be. Jack thought. That- That dream seemed too real, too authentic to be a dream. No, It can't be. Maybe it was just a bad dream and maybe- he spun himself around, looking around, and finally remembering. His shoulders sagged. His whole heart seemed to break again as he realized for the millionth time that this particular dream wasn't a fabrication of his mind.

Not far from him, he heard a moan. Jack turned curiously and tilted his head and he had to withhold a loud breath. Right in front of him was Hiccup, crouched on the floor as if he were sleeping.

Okay, now who's sleeping on the job? Jack smirked. Little bits and pieces were beginning to reattach themselves in his mind. He remembered that he was a knight and that he was on a quest with others. Others that included Elsa, Anna, Galaxy, Hannah, Hiccup, Merida, and Rapunzel.

Jack inched closed to Hiccup, thinking of some pranks he can do on him. But when he saw the look of fear and sadness on Hiccup's face, he stopped himself.

Jack stopped to think for a moment. Where were we before I passed out? he thought to himself.

A deep growl came from above and Jack looked up. All of his memories seemed to hit him all at once. Quest. Guardia. Black Dragon. Black Dragon.

It seemed that Jack was in luck because the growl wasn't directed at him, thank goodness. It seemed that the dragon was growling at something else.

Where are the others? Jack thought furiously. He tried to nudge Hiccup away. "Hiccup, we've got to get the others. Hiccup. Hic! Hiccup, wake up." But no matter how hard he shook him, the other male wouldn't even bat an eye open.

"What is wrong with you?" Jack hissed, jerking him harder. "Do you not understand that sleeping is not an option right now? And where are the others? They better not have left us for dragon lunch because I'm seriously going to-"

Jack stopped himself, halting his mission to wake Hiccup up in the process. He stared at his sleeping face, everything on Hiccup's face shouted fear. Something was definitely wrong.

Jack looked behind him, almost screaming when he saw the Black Dragon so close. But the Black Dragon wasn't paying any attention to him at the moment. Instead he was staring at a pile of bodies on the ground.

No. Jack's thoughts screamed in his mind. No, no, no, no, no, no.

When he saw rise and fall of his other teammates chests though, Jack felt relief flood through his whole body. Good, they were only sleeping. Wait. Sleeping? All of them? No, something was amiss.

As he observed quietly on his other teammates, he noticed the same things on their faces as he did on Hiccup's. Fear. And there was a lot.

Jack looked up at the Black Dragon, and he realized that it was the Black Dragon itself making the others sleep. He watched in horror as he saw his friends, all groaning an moaning in agony, clutching at their head, sides, anything to take away the fear. But it was no use. The Black Dragon only supplied more.

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