Chapter 14

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Xander’s POV:

“Once they turn golden brown, quickly scoop them up using the strainer and set then on the metal rack to let the oil drip dry. Then for the soup we’re using this.” Celine explained, demonstrating step by step as I took notes down quickly.

Eyeing the rock hard package in her hands, I looked at her questioningly, “Frozen one?”

“Yes. So all you have to do it heat it up after it defreezes. No worries and no troubles at all.” She explained. Makes sense. Jotting down the brand and type of soup she had chosen, I looked up only to remember that we’re missing someone.

“Where’s Castian?”

“He went to grab somethings for me. Should be here soon.” He’s whipped.

“So… you and Castian?”

“Not really.”

“Why not? He’s a good guy from what I’ve observed thus far.”

“I don’t… trust man...especially when they look like the player kind.” She said softly, a distant look in her eyes. She looks sad...

“Then what about me?” I questioned curiously, she seems to trust me… I guess?

“You’re different. You couldn’t even give a damn about me so I can safely assure that you won’t hit on me. Those that made me fall for them ended up cheating behind my back. One even spreaded nasty rumors about me in my previous workplace that got me fired when I caught him cheating with another woman and broke it off with him.” She explained as she boiled the necessary ingredients. Well that guy is a dick who doesn't deserve a dick.


“Alls good.”

“But give Castian a chance. He doesn’t seem like one who will cheat. He may look like a player but deep inside, he’s actually a gentleman and a teddy bear. He has a big and kind heart. If he shatters your heart, I’ll shatter his ass.” At least it’s a win for me.

“For real?” She pft loudly, holding back her laughters and tears back. I shrugged. Why not?

“If one is not enough to wreck his ass, I’ll ask the boss to join in too. Two should be able to leave a lasting damage. So...okay?”

“Ooo threesome. But okay, I’ll give him a chance.”

Third Person’s POV:

“Castian, can you help me get these items?” Kye asked, handing a list of items to him. He was asked on a date by Xander and thus had decided to do something for him in return.

“Sure. Let me see… ropes, wands and… butt plugs of different sizes…” Kinky, he thought as he gave Kye a knowing look. “You making a flogger out to the ropes and wands? Ah, you could tie some knots on the ropes to add a touch of spice to it.” He said with a wink, amusement in his tone as Kye stared at him questioningly, not knowing what he meant.

Chuckling lightly, Castian stood up from his seat promptly before grabbing the car keys and his wallet. “Anyways, I’ll go get them. I’m sure the beast will be pleased.”

“Thanks Castian.” Kye thanked gratefully with a warm smile on his face as Castian ruffled his hair.

“Anything for you, Young Master. Want me to grab us lunch on the way back?”

“Sure. Oh and can I have sweets?” Kye requested with puppy eyes even though he knew that Castian will get them for him even without the puppy eyes. It was more of a grown habit as he had always done that when he was younger when Castian refused to give him any sweet things due to his father’s control. The puppy eyes always made Castian give in and sneak some sweets for him when no one was looking.

“Any specifics?” Castian asked though he knew the answer to that already. Or answers.

“Cream puffs, gummy bears and coffee ice cream please.” Kye requested nicely, earning a soft chuckle and a nod from Castian which made a wide smile appear on his face. Despite growing up, Kye still had his childish side retained, only showing it to Castian when they’re alone. This alone made Castian feel special and glad that the Young Master he’s been serving never strayed and remained his jovial self.

Ever since Castian first got to know about Kye, he had startes to grow on him, treating him like his younger brother. Whenever Kye gets into trouble with his father, he never hesitated to stand up to protect the younger male but afterwards, he will reprimand him on where he had done wrong and make him apologise to those affected. Kye never left Castian side unless his parents brought him out of the house or unless he went to sleep though he’ll sometimes sneak into Castian’s bedroom to sleep with him, causing his parents to panic when they couldn’t find him the first time he did that.

“Love you Castian.” Kye said out of nowhere, stunning Castian as he stood by the door.

“Love you too, Young Master.” He replied with a gentle smile on his face, remembering that the Kye then and now is still the same person. Even now, he still loves Kye as his little brother and would do whatever it takes to make him happy and help him find his happy ending.

Deciding to tease the butler, Kye grinned playfully, wanting to know how he’ll reply. “More than Celine?”

“For now. You’re my number one priority but after you get married, you’ll be number one to the one who loves you and he’ll be your number one too. Once I’ve fulfilled that, I’ll go find my number one but you’ll always be number one as my closest kin.” Castian replied honestly as tears welled up in Kye’s eyes from the emotional speech.

“You’re going to make me cry.” Kye sniffed as he held back his tears from falling. This made Castian chuckle at how Kye really never changes. Even his crybaby character remained.

“Ok ok. Sorry. Then I’ll go get your things now. Anything else?” Castian sighed at his Young Master’s preciousness, silently glad that the one who loves him and he loves back is going to treat him well. A happy ending which is soon to due.

Kye shook his head lightly before smiling brightly at him. “Drive safely and be back home soon.”


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