Chapter 9

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This chapter is dedicated to @NerdsRAwesome_2 and @skye_writes22 for your continuous support, comments and votes. Love ya'll and of course my other readers too. Thanks for reading ;)

Third Person's POV:

Like how the first destination was, the smell from the location emits signals to the human brain where they are however instead of the fresh aroma like the tea brewery's a wave of fishiness overwhelmed their senses like a huge tsunami wave. Kye's nose wrinkled at the funny smell which he consider to be that of pungentness to which he then pinches his nose almost like a reflex action.

"It stinks." He blurted out without thinking before covering his mouth quickly while his eyes averted slightly to the side where Xander stood with Matthew strapped in front of him in his baby carrier, hoping that Xander did not catch on to his careless words but to no avail when Xander apologized meekly while scratching the back of his head, feeling guilty for causing discomfort to Kye.

"We can go to other places if you want-" He quickly suggested, not wanting to ruin their day.

"I-It's fine." Kye replied as casually as possible as he desperately tried to stop himself from running back into the car which seemed like the safest and cleanest heaven in that instant. With the pungent stench stuck in his head, his heart filled with dread on what may attack him if he enters.

"No it's really alright. We can go to a dif-" Xander voiced out once again but was cut off quickly by Kye's protest against the change of location. This made him wonder why Kye was so reluctant to change the itinerary despite the uneasiness shown on his face.

"No! I t-trust your choices r-remember? L-Let's go in." Kye stuttered out with fear written all over his face despite him trying to put on a brave front.

"If you insist..." Xander sighed deeply while silently wrecking his head for why Kye is torturing himself like this, slightly worrying if Kye would deduct his bonus from his paycheck cause of this. He knew that that wouldn't happen as he was talking about Kye himself but he still couldn't help but worry.

Stepping past the doors, a strong cool breeze blew against their face, cooling them down from the hot weather instantly. To Kye's surprise, the smell wasn't that strong any longer. It was more of a tolerable lingering smell than the intense full-blown one they had experience before they entered the air-conditioned place.

"So... do you know how to prawn?" Xander questioned in pure curiosity as Kye shook his head lightly with eyes that clearly showed his conflict of emotions. A mix of excitement and hesitation.

~ Time Skip ~

"Relax, don't be too tense. Just wait for the prawn to hook on." Xander whispered into Kye's ear from behind as he wrapped his arms around him, showing his tensed self the proper way to hold the prawning rod as his much larger and rougher hands wrapped around Kye's softer and slender ones. Xander's warm breath hitting the side of Kye's face making Kye shudder slightly when a whiff of his jasmine invaded his mind and clouded his senses. He was too immersed in basking in the warmth and comfort of Xander's larger frame that he didn't feel the tug of his rod and Xander pulling his catch out.

"Woah. Nice one. It has a pink tag on its tail." Xander complimented, unhooking the prawn from the hook and slipping it into a pail as Kye watched his every action with much interest.

"What's the tag for?"

"Ah. It's a reward system so if you are lucky, you get a tagged one. There's 5 colours you can get. If you get a red tag, you win an extra free hour to prawn. Green tag, you get 2 prawns for free. Yellow, pink or blue, you get $2, $3 or $5 respectively." He explains as Kye's eyes lit up in excitement.

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