~•Red Riding Hood & The Werewolf•~

Start from the beginning

'This, not good.' She thought. She had to go to her grandmother's house before sunset. And heck, she didn't even know how much long the path was. She turned around and looked at the guy in front of her. She's sure he's around her age. Or maybe even older. Just a bit.

The guy seemed friendly and nice with a mischievous smirk on his face. He had brown hair and eyes. Along with some brown short cloak, trousers and he was barefoot.

"The name's Jack." He said, extending a hand for a handshake. Would she answer this man? Her mother said never talk to strangers. But she didn't want to offend him. "Um, Rapunzel." She quickly said, not even acknowledging the handshake the stranger wants. She turned around, but he called again. She groaned quietly then turned around. But she saw nothing. Where did he go?

She shrugged it off and turned to the path when.. Jack? Yeah. Jack was in front of her. Her eyes widened as she let out a small scream and tumbled to the ground. How did he move that fast?

He chuckled and helped her got up. "Hey, you okay?" He asked, still laughing. She glared at him and got her basket and stood up. "I'm sorry, Mister.. uh, Jack, but I have no time to chat, you see--" She explained, annoyed when he interrupted her.

"Okay, okay. Fine. It's just that I'd never seen you before. Are you new here?" He asked, placing a finger under his chin, standing closer to her. She backed up a little that made him smirk. "Why, are you afraid?" He teased. She glared again at him. "No."

"Fine, fine." He said, raising his two hands, saying that he surrenders. She rolled her eyes. "What do you want?" She asked, impatient. Come on, she gotta move fast!

"You." He simply said with a satisfied smirk on his face. Her eyes somehow widened and she swore, a blush crossed through her face. Luckily, her hood was on and that he didn't see her blush. "Nah, just kidding. I just.. want to see your face." He quickly said when he noticed that her eyes were still wide. She let out a sigh of relief. "Why? Did you expect that it was really you that I want?" He teased, leaning closer to her face. She narrowed her eyes on him and before she could speak, he pushed her back against a tree. He had this playful grin on his face. Her eyes widened. How did that happen? Fortunately, she was still holding the basket.

"Well, to be honest, it's you that I really want." He whispered. Her eyes widened as chills went through her spines. Well, that shocked her. Like, what the heck? They've just met and he'd say he likes her? Oh, come on. She pushed him off, causing him to lose balance, but he didn't even fall. He even laughed. Was he crazy?

"What's the matter with you?" She nearly shouted at him. He looked at her with the same playful grin on his face. When he didn't answer, she rolled her eyes and turned back to the path. "Hey! I just want to see your face!" He shouted.

She didn't want to turn around. Because maybe, it'll be the start of a non-ending conversation and she really needed to go to her grandmother now. But just to stop him from babbling, she turned around and pulled her hood down then looked at him. Revealing her beautiful face and golden hair. "There. Happy?" She said, bored, then turning around again.

He remained there. He's still dumbstruck by her beauty. Wow, it was really breathtaking. Well, at first, he didn't see her face, but now he did, he's somewhat happy. And he didn't know why. She's really beautiful. There are no words to describe. Those emerald eyes, pointed nose, rosy cheeks, and damn, those lips. Those pink kissable lips. He could kiss them all day if she'd let him. Wait.. what? What was he thinking?

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