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Poetry, in my own perspective, is a profound expression of what's inside oneself. Oh yes, it all comes from the inside and that's all that matters, isn't it? When all hell breaks loose in life and we feel trapped like some caged animal, it is through this art of specially crafted words that we escape the brutal infliction of life and 'fly free like a bird.'

Think of the time you watched a movie that seemed to sum up the way you were feeling when you walked into the theatre. Or maybe there was a book you read once where the narrative seemed to echo your own internal ideas about life.

I consider listening to Linkin Park, the greatest rock band in the world (I don't know about you though) to be the first time I fell in love with both music and of course poetry as well. Most of Linkin Park songs are an inspiration and they always help me to deal with whatever I may be going through.

Engaging with art this way can be a remedy for loneliness and heartache because it shows us that everyone has the same feelings we do just as strongly, even Chester Bennington, the rock legend and lead vocalist of Linkin Park. I hope you are at peace wherever you are, Chazzy!

 I hope you are at peace wherever you are, Chazzy!

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