Rosalie's Outtake

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A/N: I had planned on putting up Jasper's outtake next, but this came to me instead.  


I scowled as I pulled my Lexus into the parking lot for the dormitory where I would be staying. I couldn't believe that I was going to have to live in a dorm and share not only a room, but a bathroom with others. I was appalled and furious that my life had come to that. I mean, hello! I was Rosalie Hale. Head cheerleader, Homecoming and Prom Queen, Miss Popularity. I grew up in a huge house in the best neighborhood in Portland, had gone to the best high school, wore the latest fashions, and drove an expensive car. And then daddy had lost his job. I was still furious.

Daddy had been the president of the largest bank in Portland, and then someone spouted shit about how he was embezzling or something and the next thing I knew we were in the poor house. Thank God my car was already paid off. I shuddered to think that I could have ended up driving a used Honda like my sister. Poor girl.

Unfortunately, because we no longer had as much money as we used to, I was having to forgo the apartment off campus and live with a bunch of strangers. I continued to scowl as I dragged my boxes and my Louie Vuitton bag up the stairs to my room. I gasped in horror when I opened the door. How the fuck was I supposed to live in there with another person? My bathroom at home was bigger than that room!

The first week passed by slowly, and I met a guy named Emmett Cullen in one of my classes. He was cute enough, and I knew that all I had to do was flirt a bit and flash my cleavage, and I'd have him at my beck and call. I wasn't looking to get serious with anyone, but I wasn't opposed to using some guy to buy me stuff. And sure enough, the big oaf fell hard for me. I had that boy eating out of the palm of my hand. He bought me whatever I wanted, and it didn't hurt that he was good in bed. I decided that I might keep him around.

By the time spring break rolled around, Emmett wanted me to go home with him. I tried to get him to take me to Cancun, but it wasn't happening. Reluctantly, I'd agreed to go home with him.

I could barely contain my gasp as his family home came into view. His house was bigger than mine. I'd had an inkling that Emmett was well off, but it was clear that he was more than well off. He was fucking loaded, and I decided then and there that I would do whatever it took to get him to marry me. If I married Emmett, I'd be able to go back to the lifestyle that I was used to. No more having to buy decent knock offs.

Tossing my hair back, I took a deep breath, and put on my best smile. It was time to bring on the acting. I had to make his family love me or at least like me.

By the time spring break was over, I was positive that his family loved me. Well, except for Edward. That kid was annoying as fuck, and I couldn't resist bugging the shit out of him. He was like an old man in a young man's body. He was hot and if I thought for a second I could seduce him and win him over, I would have.


Emmett and I had been together for three years. We'd gotten an apartment of campus, but it was a crappy apartment. I knew he could afford something way better, but he wouldn't, so I suffered through it. Once we were married, it would be my money as well, and I could spend it any way I saw fit. Of course, I had to get him to propose first. I'd been dropping hints like crazy, hoping he'd take the initiative.

Finally, he did. He took me to a super expensive restaurant and proposed. I was a bit disappointed in the size of the diamond. I was certainly expecting something larger, but I said yes regardless. I could always buy myself a bigger diamond later.

The next few months were spent planning my wedding. Daddy had gotten a job at a different bank and was making decent money again, so I went all out. I invited all of my friends from high school and college. I wanted them to see just how well I was doing. Mother and Daddy bought me a beautiful wedding gown. It was an original from Vera Wang and only cost a little over seven thousand. I thought that was pretty cheap. The dress I'd really wanted was over fifteen thousand, but Daddy had said no.

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